[MLton-user] a new approach to type-indexed values in SML

Stephen Weeks sweeks at sweeks.com
Thu Sep 28 15:58:59 PDT 2006

Ever since Vesa posted the page on type-indexed values


I've been thinking about how to define type-indexed values in a more
modular/extensible way, closer to how Haskell type classes are done.
The lack of first-class polymorphism in SML might make it seem
impossible, but I've come up with an approach that I am happy with and
I think will be useful in practice, once the initial infrastructure is
digested.  The following note describes the approach.  I would be
happy to answer questions or take feedback.


A type-indexed value (tiv) is a set of values with one value for each
type in a particular set of types.  A familiar example is equality,
which can be viewed as a set of equality functions, one for each
(equality) type.  Many type-indexed values can be defined by induction
over type constructors.  For example, equality can be defined by
primitive notions of equality at ground types (bool, int, etc.) and by
induction at compound types (options, lists, tuples, etc.).

This note shows a method to define tivs within SML that has the
following properties:

  * There is a single representation of types as values and a
    one-to-one correspondence between the SML type "t" and its
    representation as a value of type "t Type.t".  Here are some
    example values representing types.

      BoolTycon.ty: bool Type.t
      ListTycon.ty BoolTycon.ty: bool list Type.t
      ArrowTycon.ty (IntTycon.ty, BoolTycon.ty): (int -> bool) Type.t

  * A tiv is a polymorphic function from (the representation of) types
    to an ordinary SML value of the appropriate type.  For example,
    equality has the following specification:

      val equals: 'a Type.t -> 'a * 'a -> bool

  * Users of tivs are statically prevented from making type errors.
    For example, the following is a type error.

      equals BoolTycon.ty (13, 14)

  * A new type constructor of any arity can be defined at any 
    toplevel-declaration point in the program, and can subsequently be
    used to define tivs.

  * Type constructors for mutable types (array, ref, etc.) and
    recursive types (list) are supported as well as type constructors
    for nonrecursive immutable types (option) and ground types (bool,
    int, etc.).

  * A new tiv can be declared at any toplevel-declaration point
    in the program. 

  * A tiv is inductively defined over type constructors by a global
    collection of rules, with at most one rule for each type

  * The inductive rule for a particular tiv and a particular type
    constructor can be given at any toplevel-declaration point in the
    program after the tiv and type constructor have been defined.  In
    particular, one need neither group together all the rules for a
    tiv nor group together all the rules for a type constructor.

  * Each inductive rule is specified by a polymorphic function,
    checked by the SML type system, mapping type(s) corresponding to
    the type constructor's arguments to a value of the desired type.
    An inductive rule for a tiv may refer to the same tiv, other tivs,
    both, or neither.  This is done by applying the necessary tivs to
    the supplied types in the body of the rule.  For example, the
    equality rule for options is as follows.

      val rule: 'a Type.t -> 'a option * 'a option -> bool =
         fn t =>
            val eltEquals = equals t
            fn (NONE, NONE) => true
             | (SOME x, SOME y) => eltEquals (x, y)
             | _ => false

  * The infrastructure automatically applies the inductive rules to
    build a tiv indexed at a particular type.

  * Different tivs can be combined and used at the same type index.

  * Because the sets of tivs and type constructors are open and the
    inductive rules can be defined anywhere (or not at all), it is
    dynamically checked whether the application of a tiv to a type
    succeeds.  If needed, one can layer phantom witnesses on top to
    statically ensure safety.

  * The application of a tiv to a type is staged so that one can
    cache the application of the inductive rules and so that one can
    get early (dynamic) warning if a tiv is not defined for a
    particular type.

  * Because rules can be defined anywhere, it is dynamically checked
    whether there have been multiple definitions of a rule for the
    same tiv and type constructor.

  * The implementation of tivs uses an extensible universal type
    underneath.  The only uses of a universal type use constant-time
    wrap and unwrap functions.

  * The implementation is portable SML and uses no unsafe features or

Below is an overview of how tivs are defined and used.  Attached to
this note is a tgz with complete code for the implementation, all of
the examples, and more.

Using Type-Indexed Values

Clients of tivs need to understand the following modules that are
exposed by the library.

  structure Type: sig type 'a t end
  signature TYCON<n>
  signature TIV

The Type structure declares the SML type whose values represent SML
types.  There is a different TYCON<n> for each arity of type
constructor.  For each SML type constructor (bool, option, list, ->,
etc.), one defines a representation of that type constructor as an SML
structure matching a TYCON<n> signature of appropriate arity.  So,
there will be structures like

  structure BoolTycon: TYCON0
  structure IntTycon: TYCON0
  structure ListTycon: TYCON1
  structure OptionTycon: TYCON1
  structure ArrowTycon: TYCON2

Each TYCON signature specifies the SML type constructor it represents
and an SML value that represents the type constructor, allowing one to
construct representations of types built by the type constructor.

  signature TYCON0 =
        type t
        val ty: t Type.t
  signature TYCON1 =
        type 'a t
        val ty: 'a Type.t -> 'a t Type.t
  signature TYCON2 =
        type ('a1, 'a2) t
        val ty: 'a1 Type.t * 'a2 Type.t -> ('a1, 'a2) t Type.t

Every SML type is uniquely represented by applying the
type-constructor representations.  For example, "bool -> int option"
is represented by

  val t: (bool -> int option) Type.t =
     ArrowTycon.ty (BoolTycon.ty, OptionTycon.ty IntTycon.ty)

Each tiv is represented by a structure matching the TIV signature,
whose key component is an "apply" function that applies the tiv to a
type to yield an ordinary value.

signature TIV =
      type 'a t
      val apply: 'a Type.t -> 'a t

Here are some standard tivs.

structure Dummy: TIV where type 'a t = 'a
structure Equals: TIV where type 'a t = 'a * 'a -> bool
structure Flatten: TIV where type 'a t = 'a -> int list
structure Show: TIV where type 'a t = 'a -> string
structure SuperReverse: TIV where type 'a t = 'a -> 'a
structure Taut: TIV where type 'a t = 'a -> bool

Note that Equals, Flatten, SuperReverse, and Taut are partial,
i.e. not defined for all types, but that this is not reflected in
their types.

To use a tiv, one simply applies it to the representation of the
desired type.

  val _: int option = Dummy.apply (Option.ty Int.ty)
  val _: int list * int list -> bool = Equals.apply (List.ty Int.ty)
  val _: int list list -> int list = Flatten.apply (List.ty (List.ty Int.ty))
  val _: bool -> bool -> bool =
     Taut.apply (Arrow.ty (Bool.ty, Arrow.ty (Bool.ty, Bool.ty)))
  val _: 'a Type.t -> 'a -> int list =
     fn ty => Flatten.apply ty o SuperReverse.apply ty

The last example is the one from


showing why one wants to be able to compose different tivs dealing
with the same type family.

Declaring Type-Indexed Values

One declares a new tiv by applying the Tiv functor.  The inductive
rules are specified later.

  functor Tiv (S: TIV_ARG): TIV

  signature TIV_ARG =
        type 'a t
        val iso: ('a, 'b) Iso.t -> ('a t, 'b t) Iso.t
        val name: string

Type 'a t specifies the type of the type-indexed value once the
type-index has been instantiated.  For example, for equality,

   type 'a t = 'a * 'a -> bool

The name is used solely for debugging messages.  The "iso" function
tells how to lift an arbitrary isomorphism to an isomorphism between
values.  An isomorphism is a pair of functions, one for each direction
of the mapping.

  structure Iso:>
        type ('a, 'b) t
        val inject: ('a, 'b) t * 'a -> 'b
        val make: ('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'a) -> ('a, 'b) t
        val project: ('a, 'b) t * 'b -> 'a

Here is how the Dummy type-indexed value is declared.

structure Dummy =
   Tiv (type 'a t = 'a
        val name = "dummy"
        fun iso i = i)

Here is how Equals is declared.  The isomorphism lifter uses some
straightforward utilities from the Iso structure.

structure Equals =
   Tiv (type 'a t = 'a * 'a -> bool
        val name = "equals"
        fun iso i = let open Iso in arrow (tuple2 (i, i), id) end)

At the point a tiv is declared, it is undefined for all types.  Later
definitions of inductive rules determine the types at which the tiv is

Defining Nullary Type Constructors and Rules

The library defines a functor, Tycon0, for building nullary type
  functor Tycon0 (S: TYCON0_ARG): TYCON0

  signature TYCON0_ARG =
        type t

        val name: string

For example, the bool type constructor is created by the following
functor application, supplying the SML type being represented and the
name, used only for debugging messages.

  structure BoolTycon = Tycon0 (type t = bool
                                val name = "bool")

The library provides a family of functors, DefCase<n>, for defining
inductive rules, one for each arity.  The functor for defining the
rule for nullary type constructors is specified by the following.

  signature EMPTY = sig end
  functor DefCase0 (structure Tycon: TYCON0
                    structure Value: TIV
                    val rule: Tycon.t Value.t): EMPTY

The EMPTY signature is used for modules that have no exports.  All of
the DefCase<n> functors return an empty structure.  That is, they are
functors that are applied purely for their side effect, namely, adding
an inductive rule to the global collection of rules.  

Here are the definitions of the rules for booleans for the Dummy and
Equals tivs.

  structure Z = DefCase0 (structure Tycon = BoolTycon
                          structure Value = Dummy
                          val rule = false)

  structure Z = DefCase0 (structure Tycon = BoolTycon
                          structure Value = Equals
                          val rule = op =)

The definition of equality uses SML's built-in polymorphic equality
specialized for the particular case of booleans.  One could just as
well have written

  val rule = fn (false, false) => true 
              | (true, true) => true 
              | _ => false

Defining Non-nullary Type Constructors and Inductive Rules

The library provides a family of functors for defining the
representations of type constructors, one for each arity.

  functor Tycon<n> (S: TYCON<n>_ARG): TYCON<n>

A new type constructor of arity <n> is defined by applying Tycon<n> to
appropriate arguments.  Non-nullary type constructors are more
complicated than nullary ones.  Before showing the most general case,
I'll show two common special cases, provided as functors and
implemented using the more general Tycon<n> functors.

The simplest kind of type constructor is one that is immutable and not
defined recursively (e.g. option).  These can be defined by the
Tycon<n>Simple family of functors.

  functor Tycon<n>Simple (S: TYCON<n>_SIMPLE_ARG): TYCON<n>_SIMPLE

  signature TYCON<n>_SIMPLE_ARG =
        type ('a1, ..., 'a<n>) t
        val iso: ('a1, 'b1) Iso.t * ... * ('a<n>, 'b<n>) Iso.t
                 -> (('a1, ..., 'a<n>) t, ('b1, ..., 'b<n>) t) Iso.t
        val name: string

Tycon<n>Simple is passed the SML type constructor being represented
and a name used for debugging.  Additionally, one must supply a way to
lift a product of isomorphisms, one for each type argument, to an
isomorphism on the constructed type.  The result of Tycon<n>Simple is
a specialized version of TYCON<n>.

For example, here is how the option type constructor is represented.

  structure OptionTycon =
     Tycon1Simple (type 'a t = 'a option
                   fun iso i =
                         fun map f =
                            fn NONE => NONE
                             | SOME x => SOME (f (i, x))
                         Iso.make (map Iso.inject, map Iso.project)
                   val name = "option")

The library provides a family of functors, DefCase<n>Simple, for defining
inductive rules for simple type constructors.

  functor DefCase<n>Simple
     (S: sig
            structure Tycon: TYCON<n>_SIMPLE
            structure Value: TIV
            val rule: 'a1 Type.t * ... * 'a<n> Type.t 
                      -> ('a1, ..., 'a<n>) Value.t
         end): EMPTY

Here are the inductive rules for the option type constructor for the
Dummy and Equals tivs.

  structure Z = DefCase1Simple (structure Tycon = OptionTycon
                                structure Value = Dummy
      	                        val rule: 'a Type.t -> 'a option =
                                   fn t => SOME (Dummy.apply t))
  structure Z = 
     (structure Tycon = OptionTycon
      structure Value = Equals
      val rule: 'a Type.t -> 'a option * 'a option -> bool =
         fn t =>
            val eltEquals = Equals.apply t
            fn (NONE, NONE) => true
             | (SOME x, SOME y) => eltEquals (x, y)
             | _ => false

Type constructors that define recursive types (e.g. list) need a
slightly more complex definition, using the Tycon<n>Iso family of

  functor Tycon<n>Iso (S: TYCON<n>_ISO_ARG): TYCON<n>_ISO

  signature TYCON<n>_ISO_ARG =
        structure R:
              type ('a1, ..., 'a<n>, 'r) t
              val iso:
                 ('a1, 'b1) Iso.t * ... * ('a<n>, 'bn) Iso.t * ('ra, 'rb) Iso.t
                 -> (('a1, ..., 'a<n>, 'ra) t, ('b1, ..., 'b<n>, 'rb) t) Iso.t
        type ('a1, ..., 'a<n>) t

        val isorec: unit -> (('a1, ..., 'a<n>, ('a1, ..., 'a<n>) t) R.t,
                             ('a1, ..., 'a<n>) t) Iso.t
        val name: string

The code uses the idea of recursion schemes:


The idea is that R.t is a non-recursive representation of the type,
where its last type argument corresponds to recursive uses.  The
isorec function gives the (trivial) isomorphism between the type and
its recursion scheme.  For example, here is how the list type
constructor is represented.

  structure ListTyconRep =
        datatype ('a, 'r) t =
           Cons of 'a * 'r
         | Nil
        fun iso (ia, ir) =
              fun map (fa, fr) =
                 fn Cons (a, r) => Cons (fa (ia, a), fr (ir, r))
                  | Nil => Nil
              Iso.make (map (Iso.inject, Iso.inject),
                        map (Iso.project, Iso.project))
  structure ListTycon =
     (structure R = ListTyconRep
      type 'a t = 'a list
      val name = "list"
      fun isorec () = 
         Iso.make (fn R.Cons (x, l) => x:: l | R.Nil => [],
                   fn [] => R.Nil | x :: l => R.Cons (x, l)))

The datatype ListTyconRep.t is exposed because the definition of an
inductive rule for a list will deal with that representation rather
than the native list representation.

The library provides a family of functors, DefCase<n>Iso, for defining
inductive rules for such type constructors.

  functor DefCase<n>Iso
     (structure Tycon: TYCON<n>_ISO
      structure Value: TIV
      val rule: 'a1 Type.t * ... * 'a<n> Type.t 
                * (('a1, ..., 'a<n>, 'b) Tycon.R.t, 'b) Iso.t
                -> 'b Value.t): EMPTY

For example, here are the inductive rules for the list type
constructor for the Dummy and Equals tivs.

  structure Z =
     (structure Tycon = ListTycon
      structure Value = Dummy
      fun rule (t, i) =
         Iso.inject (i, Cons (Dummy.apply t, Iso.inject (i, Nil))))
  structure Z =
     (structure Tycon = ListTycon
      structure Value = Equals
      fun rule (t, i) =
            val elt = Equals.apply t
            fn z =>
            recur (z, fn ((b1, b2), loop) =>
                   case (Iso.project (i, b1), Iso.project (i, b2)) of
                      (Nil, Nil) => true
                    | (Cons (x1, b1), Cons (x2, b2)) =>
                         elt (x1, x2) andalso loop (b1, b2)
                    | _ => false)

Mutable types can not be represented via an isomorphism since that
would lose the sharing that is essential to mutability.  For mutable
types we need a generalization of recursion schemes in which the type
constructor is represented by an abstract type, typically a record of
operations, that can be wrapped by isomorphisms.

  functor Tycon<n> (S: TYCON<n>_ARG): TYCON<n>

  signature TYCON<N>_ARG =
        structure Rep:
              type ('a1, ..., 'a<n>, 'b) t
        type ('a1, ..., 'a<n>) t
        val makeRep: ('a1, 'b1) Iso.t
                     * ...
                     * ('a<n>, 'b<n>) Iso.t
                     * (('a1, ..., 'a<n>) t, 'c) Iso.t 
                     -> ('b1, ..., 'b<n>, 'c) Rep.t
        val name: string

To apply functor Tycon<n>, in addition to specifying the underlying
SML type constructor (t) and the debugging name, one also specifies a
representation (Rep.t) of values of the type and a way to create a
representation (makeRep) from isomorphisms on each of the type
arguments and an isomorphism on the type itself.  

For example, here is how SML's "ref" type constructor is implemented.

  structure RefRep =
        datatype ('a, 'b) t =
           T of {get: 'b -> 'a, 
                 equals: 'b * 'b -> bool,
                 make: 'a -> 'b,
                 set: 'b * 'a -> unit}

  structure RefTycon =
     (structure Rep = RefRep
      type 'a t = 'a ref
      val name = "ref"
      fun makeRep (ix, ir) =
         {get = fn r => Iso.inject (ix, ! (Iso.project (ir, r))),
          equals = (fn (r, r') =>
                    (Iso.project (ir, r) = Iso.project (ir, r')
                    handle _ => false)),
          make = fn x => Iso.inject (ir, ref (Iso.project (ix, x))),
          set = fn (r, x) => Iso.project (ir, r) := Iso.project (ix, x)})

The idea is that RefRep provides a "generic" implementation of ref
cells, where 'a is the representation of the element and 'b is
representation of the cell.  makeRep show how to use the underlying
SML primitives to build the generic representation, given the
isomorphism on the underlying elements (ix) and the isomorphism on
ref cells (ir).

The fully general DefCase<n> functors have the following form.

  functor DefCase<n>
     (structure Tycon: TYCON<n>
      structure Value: TIV
      val rule: 'a1 Type.t * ... * 'a<n> Type.t
                * ('a1, ..., 'a<n>, 'b) Tycon.Rep.t
                * ('b, Univ.t) Iso.t
                -> 'b Value.t)): EMPTY

The idea is that, as before, a rule takes each of the type arguments
and can use them inductively as it wishes.  In addition, the rule
receives the generic representation of values and must produce an
instance of the tiv, 'b Value.t, that operates on that representation.
For example, here are the inductive rules for the ref type constructor
for the Dummy and Equals tivs.

  structure Z =
     (structure Tycon = RefTycon
      structure Value = Dummy
      fun rule (t, RefRep.T {make, ...}, _) = make (Dummy.apply t))
  structure Z =
     (structure Tycon = RefTycon
      structure Value = Equals
      fun rule (_, RefRep.T {equals, ...}, _) = equals)

In DefCase<n> functors, the third argument to the rule, of type ('b,
Univ.t) Iso.t, gives the rule access to an embedding of the value in a
universal type.  This is useful for tivs like Show, which need to keep
a container holding values of different types.

Sometimes it is useful to define a default case for a tiv.  This is
easily done using the DefDefault functor.

  functor DefDefault (structure Value: TIV
                      val rule: 'a Type.t -> 'a Value.t): EMPTY

The default case will then be used for any type constructor that
doesn't have a rule defined for the tiv.

The Variable-Arity Tuple Type Constructor

The library defines functions for building representations of tuple
types of different arities.

  val ty<n>: 'a1 Type.t * ... * 'a<n> Type.t -> ('a1 * ... * 'a<n>) Type.t

The tuple type-constructor in SML can either be viewed a family of
type constructors (two-tuple, three-tuple, etc.) or as a single
variable-arity type constructor.  The latter view is much more
convenient for the purpose of defining tivs.  The library defines a
functor, DefTupleCase, that allows one to give a single rule that
defines how a tiv should behave for tuples of any arity.

  functor DefTupleCase
     (structure Accum:
            type 'a t
            val iso: ('a, 'b) Iso.t -> ('a t, 'b t) Iso.t
      structure Value: TIV
      val base: unit Accum.t
      val finish: 'a Accum.t -> 'a Value.t
      val step: 'a Type.t * 'b Accum.t -> ('a * 'b) Accum.t): EMPTY

The idea is that DefTupleCase is doing a fold over the components of
the tuple type, starting with a "base" accumulator, building the
accumulator with "step", and converting the accumulator to a value of
the right type with "finish".

Here are the definitions of the rules for tuples for the Dummy and
Equals tivs.
  structure Z =
     (structure Accum = Dummy
      structure Value = Dummy
      val base = ()
      val finish = id
      fun step (t, ac) = (Dummy.apply t, ac))
  structure Z =
     (structure Accum = Equals
      structure Value = Equals
      fun base _ = true
      val finish = id
      fun step (a, equalsR) =
            val equalsA = Equals.apply a
            fn ((a1, r1), (a2, r2)) =>
            equalsA (a1, a2) andalso equalsR (r1, r2)

Those rules don't need the accumulator.  For an example that does, see
the rule for Show in the full code.

Partial tivs and Witnesses

Because type constructors can be added at an time, the framework does
not statically guarantee correctness of the application of a tiv to a
type.  One can uses phantom witnesses to statically ensure safety if
needed.  For example, tautology checking only works on types of the

  bool -> bool -> ... -> bool

One can inductively define this type family and represent the fact
that a type is in the family with an additional type constructor, Ok.t
and two value constructors as follows.

  structure Ok:
        type 'a t
        val bool: bool Type.t t
        val arrow: 'a Type.t t -> (bool -> 'a) Type.t t

One can then constrain the partial tautology-checking tiv to represent
it safely via the following type.

   val taut: 'a Type.t * 'a Type.t Ok.t -> 'a -> bool

Clients of taut are now required to prove that the supplied type is in
the required family, and hence no runtime exception can be raised.
Below is the complete definition of a safe tautology tiv.  This code
also demonstrates the use of the arrow type constructor, as well as
giving an example of one tiv (Taut) calling another (FromBool) in a

  structure Taut:>
        structure Ok:
              type 'a t
              val bool: bool Type.t t
              val arrow: 'a Type.t t -> (bool -> 'a) Type.t t
        val taut: 'a Type.t * 'a Type.t Ok.t -> 'a -> bool
     end =
        structure Ok =
              type 'a t = unit
              val bool = ()
              val arrow = ignore
        structure FromBool =
           Tiv (type 'a t = bool -> 'a
                fun iso i = let open Iso in arrow (id, i) end
                val name = "fromBool")
        structure Z =
           DefCase0 (structure Tycon = BoolTycon
                     structure Value = FromBool
                     val rule = id)
        structure Taut =
           Tiv (type 'a t = 'a -> bool
                fun iso i = let open Iso in arrow (i, id) end
                val name = "taut")
        structure Z =
           DefCase0 (structure Tycon = BoolTycon
                     structure Value = Taut
                     val rule = id)
        structure Z =
           (structure Tycon = ArrowTycon
            structure Value = Taut
            fun rule (ta, tb) =
                  val arg = FromBool.apply ta
                  val res = Taut.apply tb
                  fn f => let
                             fun one b = res (f (arg b))
                             one true andalso one false
        fun taut (t, _) = Taut.apply t

Underlying Implementation

The implementation of all of the modules (TYCON, TIV, Tycon<n>, Tiv,
DefCase<n>, etc.) is about 600 lines of SML code.

The key module in the implementation is

  structure RawTiv:> RAW_TIV

Here's most of the RAW_TIV signature, which provides an interface to
tivs that allows one to create new tivs, apply tivs to types, and
define inductive rules.

  signature RAW_TIV =
        structure Type:
              structure Raw:
                    type t
              type 'a t
              val apply: 'a Tycon.t * Raw.t list * (('b, Univ.t) Iso.t -> 'a) 
                         -> 'b t
              val iso: 'a t -> ('a, Univ.t) Iso.t
              val make: Raw.t * ('a, Univ.t) Iso.t -> 'a t
              val raw: 'a t -> Raw.t

        type 'a t

        val apply: 'a t * Type.Raw.t -> 'a
        val make: {name: string} -> 'a t
        val defCase: 'a t * 'b Tycon.t * (Type.Raw.t list * 'b -> 'a) -> unit
        val defDefault: 'a t * (Type.Raw.t -> 'a) -> unit

A value of type 'a t is a tiv that produces a value of type 'a when
applied.  Of course, a tiv exposed to the client has a different type
depending on the type index at which it is used, e.g.
   Equals.apply BoolTycon.ty: bool * bool -> bool
   Equals.apply IntTycon.ty: int * int -> bool

This is handled by storing with each type representation an
isomorphism (Type.iso) between that type and a universal type Univ.t
using the usual exn wrap/unwrap trick.  Then, a tiv of type 'a t is
implemented as a raw tiv of type Univ.t t.  For example, underneath,
the equals tiv has type

   (Univ.t * Univ.t -> bool) RawTiv.t

The infrastructure coerces the application of a raw tiv to a value of
the appropriate type by lifting the isomorphism on the appropriate
type to an isomorphism on the value using the iso function that was
supplied by the user when defining the tiv.

The trickiest part of the implementation deals with the apparent
conflict between the absence of first-class polymorphism in SML and
the need to apply the user-supplied inductive rules at any number of
types.  The solution involves a kind of poor-man's first-class
polymorphism in which the rules are actually only ever instantiated at
one type, Univ.t, and handle arbitrary types by dealing with
universally-wrapped representations built from the representations
supplied by the user when defining type constructors.  See
def-case.fun in the implementation for details -- that code makes it
clear that the use of functors to require that rules be polymorphic is
an illusion (albeit a very useful one).

Raw tivs themselves are deceptively simple.  The keep a list ref with
one element (a function) for each type constructor that has a rule.
DefCase simply pushes a rule on the list, after checking that no rule
is already defined.  Application of a raw tiv to a type looks up the
correct rule in the list and applies the associated rule.

Related Work: Yang98


describes two styles of tivs in SML: value dependent and value
independent.  In short, with the value-dependent style, for each tiv
one creates a new family of type indexes where each type index is the
tiv at the corresponding type.  This is the style (currently) used on


and in Vesa's recent note expanding on the idea in Yang98 showing how
to use products of tivs so that one can use the same family of types
for multiple tivs.

In the value-independent style, one uses a single family of types and
allows as many tivs as one wants to be defined for the family.  This
is a superior approach to the value-dependent approach because it
easier to add new tivs and because tivs are automatically composable
-- one isn't forced to collect together the tivs into a product.

Yang98 describes two approaches to implementing value-independent
tivs.  The first approach requires first-class and higher-order
polymorphism and is expressed using an extension of the SML module
system.  The second approach implements tivs by converting values to a
specially constructed universal type, running an ordinary recursive
SML function on the universal type, and then converting back. The
approach described in this note is roughly similar to Yang's first
approach, in that one defines rules by polymorphic functions and
(seemingly) passes them around to be used at different types.  The
main improvement of this note is that the implementation is in
ordinary SML and is achieved through a combination of by using
universal wrappers, recursion-scheme-like encoding tricks, and
illusory functors.

Yang's second approach also uses universal wrappers, but the
similarity with the use of universals in this note is superficial.
Yang requires a single mutually recursive datatype definition of the
universal type, while in this note, the universal type is extensible
and is not specified in any one place.  Yang's approach requires the
user to define a different universal type for each type family, and
doesn't allow the addition of new type constructors in a modular way.
This note uses a single type family and allows the definitions of
tivs, type constructors, and rules to occur anywhere at top level.
Yang's approach also uses deep coercion functions between ordinary SML
values and values of his universal type, which take time proportional
to the size of the data structure being coerced. This is inefficient
and doesn't work with mutable values.  This note uses only
constant-time wrappers and unwrappers, and handles mutable values

Future Work

The ideas in this note may solve the problem with embedding datatypes
that Benton encountered in "Embedded Interpreters"


The ideas also give me more confidence that we will be able to build
specialized interpreters with MLton that are able to expose host
polymorphic functions to the interpreter, while maintaining full speed
of the host code.  The trick this note uses to wrap up polymorphic
functions in a universal type, while retaining their ability to apply
to values of different types (appropriately wrapped and represented)
seems like it may be just the thing to do automatically when building
the specialized interpreter.

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