[MLton-user] CreateFile failed with error 80

Petersen, Leaf leaf.petersen at intel.com
Fri May 16 09:21:27 PDT 2008

Someone asked about the significance of the "CreateFile failed with
error 80" error message when running on cygwin a few days ago.  I
couldn't remember where I'd seen it before until I just ran into it


This seems to happen when you blow out your  heap on cygwin (or at
least, that's a possible cause).  In my case, if I limit the heap (e.g.
by passing the arguments @MLton max-heap 100m -- to the executable), I
get a more sensible error message.  See below for an example program
that exhibits this.




$ cat test.sml


fun f (x : word, l : word list) : word list =

    if x = 0w0 then



      f (Word.+(x, 0w1), x::l)


val () = List.app (print o Word.toString) (f (0w1, []))


$ mlton test.sml


$ ./test

CreateFile failed with error 80


$ ./test @MLton max-heap 100m --

Out of memory with max heap size 104,857,600.

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