[MLton-user] Calling C functions with a variable number of arguments

Phil Clayton phil.clayton at lineone.net
Tue Aug 31 06:21:08 PDT 2010

Thanks for the link - I read with great interest.  I would like to 
explore NLFFI further but in the short term I am tied to using MLton's 
_import directly.

To get a feel what direction I should be heading in, it would be useful 
to known whether there are any plans afoot to support varargs for 
_import - just variability up to compile-time, not at run-time.

The capability appears almost there in MLton: we can already write e.g.

   val fa = _import "f" : t -> unit;
   val fb = _import "f" : t * b2 -> unit;
   val fc = _import "f" : t * c2 * c1 -> unit;

i.e. any number of different calling signatures to the C function f and 
use fa, fb, fc, etc. as required.

In order to provide general purpose libraries that don't tie down the 
number of arguments (until compile-time), it would be nice to be able to 
write e.g.

   val f = _import "f" : t -> ... -> unit;

and just use f, letting type inference fill in the types of the missing 
curried arguments.  That could be awkward as '...' can't be represented 
by a type variable, so perhaps e.g.

   val f = _import "f" : t -> 'a -> unit;

where 'a must be a nested tuple, e.g. bool * (real * (int * unit)).

With an eye to constructing type safe interfaces (as described in John 
et al.'s paper, section 3), it is is worth noting that it is easy to 
convert such a function on nested pairs to have curried arguments:

   fun curry f x y = f (x, y)
   fun na x = x              (* no arg *)
   fun va f g = f o curry g  (* var arg *)
   fun va_call spec = spec (fn f => f ())

Then we have

   va_call na;  (* (unit -> 'a) -> 'a *)
   va_call va;  (* ('b * unit -> 'a) -> 'b -> 'a  *)
   va_call (va o va);
                (* ('c * ('b * unit) -> 'a) -> 'c -> 'b -> 'a *)
   va_call (va o va o va);
                (* ... *)

(Here the last argument has type unit as there could be no arguments.)


John Reppy wrote:
> We support varargs in SML/NJ using a technique described in a 2008 ML Workshop
> paper.  A key feature of our approach is that it should be possible to use our
> implementation in any ML system that supports C calls.  You can find a copy of
> the paper at
> 	http://people.cs.uchicago.edu/~jhr/papers/2008/ml-varargs.pdf
> On Jul 26, 2010, at 2:00 PM, mlton-user-request at mlton.org wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have been using the FFI and have found it very flexible but have 
>> run 
>> into a problem that I can't see how to solve.  I am trying to call a 
>> C 
>> function with a variable number of arguments but need the variability 
>> in 
>> the number of arguments available in SML too.
>> The attached examples show that there is no problem importing a C 
>> function with a variable argument list for a fixed number of 
>> arguments: 
>> the files 'call_sum_<N>.sml' import the C function 'sum' with N 
>> arguments for the variable argument list.  I need to do something like
>>   val sum = _import "sum" : int * int list -> int;
>> (I am happy for the variable arguments to have the same type in SML.)
>> Does anyone have any ideas about how to achieve a similar effect?
>> Thanks,
>> Phil

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