making the stack explicit
Daniel Wang
02 Dec 1999 17:13:52 -0500
"Stephen Weeks" <> writes:
> Dan, maybe you already figured this out, but I just understood this
> Anyways, I may be rambling a bit, but my main point is that maybe you
> can get away without creating a new IL at all.
Thanks a bunch.. I'll still need in IL that uses region variables to track
the life time of objects so I know when it's safe to free things, but now it
seems like I can reuse MLton to do a lot more work for me. Which is really
I'll just need to feed the output of MLton with a few extra passes to my
infrastructure which will region annotate the program add a garbage
collector to the output of MLton, convert the region primtives in to
primitive C calls that acess my runtime library and feed the whole thing
back to MLton to optimize like mad!
BTW, I've included a worked out a example of what output
I need from MLton below just to make sure we're on the same wave length...
structure ANF =
fun f () = 1
fun g () = 1.0
fun h () = let
val t = f()
in t + 2
val x = f()
val y = g()
val z = h()
val ans = (x,y,z)
structure CPS =
exception HALT of (int * real * int)
fun halt x = raise (HALT x)
fun f (k,()) = k 1
fun g (k,()) = k 1.0
fun h (k,()) = let
fun ret_t (t) = k (t + 2)
in f(ret_t,())
fun ret_x (x) = let
fun ret_y (y) = let
fun ret_z (z) = (halt (x,y,z))
in h(ret_z,()) end
in g(ret_y,()) end
val ans = f(ret_x,()) handle (HALT x) => x
structure FOL_CPS =
exception HALT of (int * real * int)
fun halt x = raise (HALT x)
datatype int_cont =
Ret_X | Ret_T of int_cont | Ret_Z of int * real
and real_cont = Ret_Y of int
fun app_int (Ret_X,x) = g (Ret_Y x,())
| app_int (Ret_T k,t) = app_int (k,t + 2)
| app_int (Ret_Z(x,y),z) = halt(x,y,z)
and app_real (Ret_Y x,y) = h (Ret_Z(x,y),())
and f (k,()) = app_int (k,1)
and g (k,()) = app_real (k,1.0)
and h (k,()) = f(Ret_T k,())
val ans = f(Ret_X,()) handle (HALT x) => x
end ;
val (anf,cps,fol_cps) = (ANF.ans,CPS.ans,FOL_CPS.ans)