
Matthew Fluet Matthew Fluet <fluet@CS.Cornell.EDU>
Thu, 24 Aug 2000 09:54:14 -0400 (EDT)

Here's how I've been running an x86mlton self compile:

from mlton/src

make mlton.sml
x86mlton-time mlton -v -chunk-per-func -inline 30 -no-polyvariance -native-split 100000 >& mlton.log

In the bin/ directory there are a set of x86mlton files:

x86mlton       --  standard x86mlton (automatically mlton with -native,
                   and deal with file renaming and splitting).
x86mlton-save  --  do not delete the .c and .s files at conclusion
x86mlton-time  --  time each invocation of mlton and do not delete the
                   do not delete the .c and .s files at conclusion
x86mlton-dbg   --  link with the debugging libraries, 
                   automatically run with -v and -native-commented
                   do not delete the .c and .s files at conclusion

Note that the way these are set up, they all run whatever version of mlton
is in your path.  Also, I changed the /bin/mlton file to run with
-max-heap 208m  which should probably be changed before trying another
self-compile.  (Steve suggests -max-heap 350m.)