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Matthew Fluet
Matthew Fluet <fluet@CS.Cornell.EDU>
Tue, 5 Dec 2000 16:59:45 -0500 (EST)
> I looked at that, but unfortunately right now Machine.Operand.t is the same as
> MachineOutput.operand.t (look at We could do it by duplicating
> the code and paying some copying cost at translation. I wish we had refinement
> types.
O.k. I could raise an error in x86-translate if I ever try to translate
an MachineOutput.Operand.Void.
Does this extend to not having any pseudo-registers of type void?
I noticed that the c-codegen removed the primop case of:
| MLton_eq => if Type.isVoid(Operand.ty(hd args))
then (printDst(); print C.truee; print ";\n")
else doit()
My corresponding code checked the sizes of the operands (which was the
closest thing I had to types, but it meant adding a size VOID which didn't
correspond to a real size).
In any event, even if there aren't supposed to be any pseudo-regs of type
void in the statements, on a self-compile, I get a pseudo-reg of type void
being listed in a live in list.