benchmarking Poly/ML & floating point
Matthew Fluet
Wed, 13 Sep 2000 09:32:43 -0400 (EDT)
> > O.k. It's a very simple peephole optimization anyways, so I think I'll
> > write it up and run it through the regressions and benchmarks and see if
> > it is ever activated. From the CPS code, I'm guessing that if it is ever
> > used, it will be in some extreme case. If it doesn't appear to hit
> > anything, then I'll just leave it turned off.
> If it's not too slow (I guess it's not), I'd leave it in anyways.
It didn't get run on any of the benchmarks. But, I'm curious why the CPS
translation of Real.!= l generates that level of indirection.
Is it because the representation decisions haven't been made yet and the
compiler doesn't know whether a simple (i.e., int, char, etc. type) move
will be appropriate for the eventual representation of booleans?