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Stephen Weeks
Thu, 19 Apr 2001 14:18:09 -0700 (PDT)

> I'm  just looking through the Red Hat 7.1 CD's that I just burned.  (Note, we
> really should all upgrade soon.)   Interestingly,  on  the  `powertools'  CD,
> which  is  where  they  put  stuff you might want to install, but which isn't
> really part of the system yet (although much of the stuff moves to the system
> in  the  next  release) they include OCaml and Erlang.  This would be a great
> way to get MLton out to a lot of  people,  but  it  would  require  the  type
> checker program first I think.

I agree completely.  My next big project in MLton is to reorganize the front end 
and add a real type checker.  Hopefully I'll get started in early June and be
able to finish this summer.