new regexp library
Henry Cejtin
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 02:23:56 -0500
Dot is certainly a fine program, but this thing that it produced is pretty
bad. For one thing, it is horizontal instead of vertical. This is bad
beause you a page has more space vertically than horizontally. Also, the
size is 9221 accross, which is just under 128 inches. A bit wide compared to
any paper I have around here.
In the graph, I don't understand DFA transitions labelled with an empty
character class (e.g., n39 -> n38). If this was actually the empty character
class, then you would never follow it, so that makes no sense. If it is an
epsilon transition (i.e., you consum 0 characters travelling along this edge)
then these should only exist in the NFA, not the DFA.
Yes, look at state n4: It can go to state N3 on a tab character, but it looks
like it can also go to state n1 on a tab (assuming that the `^' in the
n4 -> n1 character class really means the complement of the listed