yet another Makefile issue

Matthew Fluet Matthew Fluet <fluet@CS.Cornell.EDU>
Thu, 4 Oct 2001 15:47:47 -0400 (EDT)

Henry, could you try the following with RH 6.*:

			echo 'abc' | tr 'abc' "\037\nX" >gmp-stuff/info/dir &&

Under my version of linux (Mandrake 7.2), this is a sufficiently well
formed dir file that install-info doesn't complain (although it is
sufficiently malformed that it doesn't actually add an entry for gmp to
the file, which I would think should cause an error, but doesn't.)

If RH 6.* is unhappy with that, then I think we should use

echo '!@File: dir,#Node: Top' | tr '!@#' "\037\n\t" >gmp-stuff/info/dir && \

which is the minimal dir file I could generate for which install-info
would add a entry.  The later might be better in any case, given
that it wouldn't be unreasonable for install-info to fail if the dir file
is malformed enough that it can't add an entry.