mlton vs NJ compiled mlton
Stephen Weeks
Tue, 9 Oct 2001 09:43:51 -0700
> These times are truly very fine indeed, but it really isn't fair to not count
> the gcc and as times as part of the MLton times.
Yes it is fair, when I am comparing the resulting mlton executable's running
time. The gcc time when each executable is running is the same, 36 seconds.
> NJ mlton mlton mutator + gc
> ---- ----- -----------------
> pre codegen 1671 239 (96 + 143)
> codegen 666 202 (142.16 + 60.05)
> total 2337 441 (238.10 + 202.66)
Notice that I did include the gcc time when I compared SML/NJ and mlton on
compile time.
> It took SML/NJ 419 seconds to separately compile mlton, while it takes mlton
> 477 seconds to compile itself.
I stand by both the compile and run times I sent.
> How do these fine times jive with what we saw from before: that MLton didn't
> speed MLton up by much? Was that from back in the days when MLton was small
> enough that SML/NJ could do a whole-program compilation of it? Was it
> because the new SML/NJ is worse?
I think these roughly compare with our old separately compiled ratio. And yes,
SML/NJ used to be able to compile MLton whole-program, but that was probably
about 50,000 lines ago.
> I can see from the failure of SML/NJ doing a whole program compilation of
> MLton that you are truly regretting the fact that we don't use MLRisc.
Indeed. I guess I should send the NJ folks a bug report.