[MLton-devel] Re: Twelf benchmark
Stephen Weeks
Fri, 13 Dec 2002 17:48:42 -0800
> It depends on which verson of Twelf you are using.
I grabbed 1.3R4 from twelf.org.
> We now have large developments in Twelf. Andrew Appel has about
> 100K lines of Twelf source formalizating foundational PCC, and test
> suites that run between minutes and hours.
> Karl Crary has a formalization of Typed Assembly Language in Twelf
> that runs about a minute.
> Both of these require relatively recent features of Twelf.
Either of those would be great. Will they run with 1.3R4? Do you
have them handy?
> By the way, I would be interested in maintaining the Twelf source
> in a manner so that it can be compiled under MLton as well as
> SML/NJ. Do you have a suggestion for the best way to do this?
Yes. It's not too hard, since that's how we develop MLton itself.
Once I get the twelf benchmark built I'll send a patch file for the
1.3R4 tgz to show you exactly what I had to do to make it work. In
the meantime, here's a rough overview.
You can use cmcat, a tool that comes with MLton, to turn your CM file
into an ordered list of all the files in your project, which can then
be fed as a simple CM file to MLton. For the places where there are
differences (e.g. int-inf and signals), you can use a CM #if statement
to get the right code for each compiler. For example, I changed
src/server/sources.cm to the following.
Group is
#if (defined (MLton))
Then, the following lines in the Makefile were enough so I could do
"make cm mlton-server' to build the project.
$(NAME): $(NAME).cm $(shell $(MLTON) -stop f $(NAME).cm)
@echo 'Compiling $(NAME)'
time $(MLTON) $(FLAGS) $(NAME).cm
size $(NAME)
$(NAME).sml: $(NAME).cm $(shell $(MLTON) -stop f $(NAME).cm)
mlton -stop sml $(NAME).cm
.PHONY: cm
( \
echo 'Group is' && \
echo 'src/mlton-stubs.sml' && \
cmcat -DMLton server.cm && \
echo 'src/mlton-main.sml'; \
) >$(NAME).cm
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