
Stephen Weeks MLton@sourcelight.com
Tue, 5 Feb 2002 19:04:45 -0800

I am pleased to report that MLton now successfully compiles test1, in
three different configurations:

C1	-native false
C2	-native false -DFAST_INT
C3	-native true

Here are the compile times, code sizes, and run times for each
configuration, run on my 1.6 GhZ Pentium 4 with 1/2G RAM.

	compile 	run		code 
	time (s)	time (s)	size (bytes)
	--------	--------	------------
C1	245		33		356,612 
C2	236		24		344,292
C3	  9		21		349,189

The compile time is very nice with the native codegen (thanks
Matthew!).  The run times are also improved as well.  Some of the
individual phases in test1 show even more improvement in run time with
the native codegen.
	2.1	2.2	2.3
	----	----	----
C1	0.59	8.68	0.99
C2	0.56	8.10	0.90
C3	0.29	3.59	0.88

In a separate email, I will send you the rpm for the version of MLton
that did these compiles, along with a slightly modified version of
test1 and its Makefile.