[MLton-devel] types for RSSA

Henry Cejtin henry@sourcelight.com
Mon, 18 Nov 2002 12:32:28 -0600

You  are  correct that without either the ability for a ref to point into the
middle of some larger object (which wouldn't be safe for space) or some  kind
of linearity analysis, you can't make it work.

Partly  for  me it is an esthetic argument: only ref cells should be mutable.
Partly it is that the code is often cleaner to write as a vector of refs, and
I  don't  want  to  pay extra for this.  In this case my notion is that MLton
would inline enough stuff that a trivial linearity  analysis  would  suffice.
Of  course I don't know what analysis would be sufficient, so it might end up
not being trivial at all.

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