[MLton-devel] cvs commit: mlprof now shows call-stack graph

Stephen Weeks sweeks@users.sourceforge.net
Fri, 03 Jan 2003 18:00:42 -0800

sweeks      03/01/03 18:00:42

  Modified:    include  codegen.h
               mlprof   main.sml
               mlton/backend backend.fun machine.fun machine.sig
                        profile.fun profile.sig
               mlton/codegen/c-codegen c-codegen.fun
               runtime  gc.c gc.h
  Added the call-stack graph to profile info and to what is displayed by
  @MLton show-prof.  mlprof uses this to create the call graph (in .dot
  format) with the the profiling data.  Right now, mlprof only displays
  nodes above the threshold, but I'll probably add an option to display
  the whole graph.
  I refer to it as the call-stack graph rather than the call graph
  because it describes the set of possible call stacks, and differs from
  the call graph in how tail calls are handled.  For example if A
  nontail calls B and B tail calls C, then the call-stack graph has
  edges A->B A->C, while the call-graph would have A->B->C.
  I removed a lot of old cruft from mlprof.

Revision  Changes    Path
1.4       +1 -0      mlton/include/codegen.h

Index: codegen.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/mlton/mlton/include/codegen.h,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
--- codegen.h	3 Jan 2003 06:14:14 -0000	1.3
+++ codegen.h	4 Jan 2003 02:00:20 -0000	1.4
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
 	gcState.sourcesSize = cardof(sources);				\
 	gcState.sourceSeqs = sourceSeqs;				\
 	gcState.sourceSeqsSize = cardof(sourceSeqs);			\
+	gcState.sourceSuccessors = sourceSuccessors;			\
 	gcState.stringInits = stringInits;				\
 	MLton_init (argc, argv, &gcState);				\

1.22      +134 -319  mlton/mlprof/main.sml

Index: main.sml
RCS file: /cvsroot/mlton/mlton/mlprof/main.sml,v
retrieving revision 1.21
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -u -r1.21 -r1.22
--- main.sml	2 Jan 2003 17:45:09 -0000	1.21
+++ main.sml	4 Jan 2003 02:00:24 -0000	1.22
@@ -11,116 +11,51 @@
 type int = Int.t
 type word = Word.t
-val busy = ref false : bool ref
-val color = ref false
-val depth: int ref = ref 0
 val raw = ref false
-val source = ref true
-val static = ref false (* include static C functions *)
 val thresh: int ref = ref 0
 val die = Process.fail
-structure Regexp =
-  open Regexp
-  val eol = seq [star (oneOf "\t "), string "\n"]
-  val hexDigit = isChar Char.isHexDigit
-  val hexDigits = oneOrMore hexDigit
-  val identifier = seq [isChar Char.isAlpha,
-			star (isChar (fn #"_" => true
-				       | #"'" => true
-				       | c => Char.isAlphaNum c))]
-structure StringMap:
-  type 'a t
-  val foldi: 'a t * 'b * (string * 'a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b
-  val layout: ('a -> Layout.t) -> 'a t -> Layout.t
-  val lookup: 'a t * string -> 'a
-  val lookupOrInsert: 'a t * string * (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
-  val new: unit -> 'a t
-end =
-  datatype 'a t = T of (word * String.t * 'a) HashSet.t
-  fun layout lay (T h)
-    = HashSet.layout (fn (_, s, a) => Layout.tuple [String.layout s, lay a]) h
-  fun new () = T (HashSet.new {hash = #1})
-  fun foldi (T t, b, f)
-    = HashSet.fold (t, b, fn ((_, s, a), ac) => f (s, a, ac))
-  fun lookupOrInsert (T t, s, f)
-    = let
-	val w = String.hash s
-      in
-	#3 (HashSet.lookupOrInsert
-	    (t, w,
-	     fn (w', s', _) => w = w' andalso s = s',
-	     fn () => (w, s, f ())))
-      end
-  fun peek (T t, s)
-    = let
-	val w = String.hash s
-      in
-	Option.map
-	(HashSet.peek (t, w, fn (w', s', _) => w = w' andalso s = s'),
-	 #3)
-      end
-  fun contains z = isSome (peek z)
-  fun lookup z = valOf (peek z)
-structure ProfileInfo =
-   datatype 'a t = T of {data: 'a,
-			 minor: 'a t} list
-   val empty = T []
-   local
-      open Layout
-   in
-      fun layout lay (T l)
-	 = List.layout 
-	   (fn {data, minor} => seq [str "{",
-				     lay data,
-				     layout lay minor,
-				     str "}"])
-	   l
-   end
 structure AFile =
       datatype t = T of {magic: word,
+			 name: string,
+			 sourceSuccessors: int vector vector,
 			 sources: string vector}
-      fun layout (T {magic, sources}) =
-	 Layout.record [("magic", Word.layout magic),
-			("sources", Vector.layout String.layout sources)]
+      fun layout (T {magic, name, sourceSuccessors, sources}) =
+	 Layout.record [("name", String.layout name),
+			("magic", Word.layout magic),
+			("sources", Vector.layout String.layout sources),
+			("sourceSuccessors",
+			 Vector.layout (Vector.layout Int.layout)
+			 sourceSuccessors)]
       fun new {afile: File.t}: t =
 	 (afile, ["@MLton", "show-prof"],
 	  fn ins =>
-	     val magic =
-		valOf (Word.fromString (In.inputLine ins))
-	     fun loop ac =
-		case In.inputLine ins of
-		   "" => Vector.fromListRev ac
-		 | s => loop (String.dropSuffix (s, 1) :: ac)
-	     val sources = loop []
+	     fun line () = In.inputLine ins
+	     val magic = valOf (Word.fromString (line ()))
+	     val sourcesLength = valOf (Int.fromString (line ()))
+	     val sources =
+		Vector.tabulate (sourcesLength, fn _ =>
+				 String.dropSuffix (line (), 1))
+	     val sourceSuccessors =
+		Vector.tabulate
+		(sourcesLength, fn _ =>
+		 Vector.fromListMap
+		 (String.tokens (line (), Char.isSpace), fn s =>
+		  valOf (Int.fromString s)))
+	     val _ =
+		case line () of
+		   "" => ()
+		 | _ => Error.bug "mlmon file has extra line"
 	     T {magic = magic,
+		name = afile,
+		sourceSuccessors = sourceSuccessors,
 		sources = sources}
@@ -216,215 +151,109 @@
 	       total = IntInf.+ (t, t')}
-fun attribute (AFile.T {magic = m, sources},
-	       ProfFile.T {counts, kind, magic = m', ...})
-    : {name: string,
-       ticks: IntInf.t} ProfileInfo.t option =
-   if m <> m'
-      then NONE
-   else
-      SOME
-      (ProfileInfo.T
-       (Vector.fold2 (counts, sources, [], fn (c, s, ac) =>
-		      if c = IntInf.zero
-			 then ac
-		      else {data = {name = s, ticks = c},
-			    minor = ProfileInfo.empty} :: ac)))
-val replaceLine =
-   Promise.lazy
-   (fn () =>
-    let
-       open Regexp
-       val beforeColor = Save.new ()
-       val label = Save.new ()
-       val afterColor = Save.new ()
-       val nodeLine =
-	  seq [save (seq [anys, string "fontcolor = ", dquote], beforeColor),
-	       star (notOneOf String.dquote),
-	       save (seq [dquote,
-			  anys,
-			  string "label = ", dquote,
-			  save (star (notOneOf " \\"), label),
-			  oneOf " \\",
-			  anys,
-			  string "\n"],
-		     afterColor)]
-       val c = compileNFA nodeLine
-       val _ = if true
-	          then ()
-	       else Compiled.layoutDotToFile (c, "/tmp/z.dot")
-    in
-       fn (l, color) =>
-       case Compiled.matchAll (c, l) of
-	  NONE => l
-	| SOME m =>
-	     let
-		val {lookup, ...} = Match.stringFuns m
-	     in
-		concat [lookup beforeColor,
-			color (lookup label),
-			lookup afterColor]
-	     end
-    end)
-fun display (ProfFile.T {kind, total, ...},
-	     counts: {name: string, ticks: IntInf.t} ProfileInfo.t,
-	     baseName: string,
-	     depth: int) =
+structure Graph = DirectedGraph
+   open Graph
+   structure Node = Node
+fun display (AFile.T {name = aname, sources, sourceSuccessors, ...},
+	     ProfFile.T {counts, kind, total, ...}): unit =
+      val {get = nodeOptions: Node.t -> Dot.NodeOption.t list ref, ...} =
+	 Property.get (Node.plist, Property.initFun (fn _ => ref []))
+      val graph = Graph.new ()
       val ticksPerSecond = 100.0
       val thresh = Real.fromInt (!thresh)
-      datatype t = T of {name: string,
-			 ticks: IntInf.t,
-			 row: string list,
-			 minor: t} array
-      val mult = if !raw then 2 else 1
-      fun doit (info as ProfileInfo.T profileInfo,
-		n: int,
-		dotFile: File.t,
-		stuffing: string list,
-		totals: real list) =
-	 let
-	    val totalInt = total
-	    val total = Real.fromIntInf totalInt
-	    val _ =
-	       if n = 0
-		  then
-		     print
-		     (concat
-		      (case kind of
-			  Kind.Alloc =>
-			     [IntInf.toCommaString totalInt,
-			      " bytes allocated\n"]
-			| Kind.Time => 
-			     [Real.format (total / ticksPerSecond, 
-					   Real.Format.fix (SOME 2)),
-			      " seconds of CPU time\n"]))
-	       else ()
-	    val space = String.make (5 * n, #" ")
-	    val profileInfo =
-	       List.fold
-	       (profileInfo, [], fn ({data = {name, ticks}, minor}, ac) =>
+      val totalReal = Real.fromIntInf total
+      val counts =
+	 Vector.mapi
+	 (counts, fn (i, ticks) =>
+	  let
+	     val rticks = Real.fromIntInf ticks
+	     val per = 100.0 * rticks / totalReal
+	  in
+	     if per < thresh
+		then NONE
+	     else
-		   val rticks = Real.fromIntInf ticks
-		   fun per total = 100.0 * rticks / total
+		   val name = Vector.sub (sources, i)
+		   val node = Graph.newNode graph
+		   val per =
+		      (concat [Real.format (per, Real.Format.fix (SOME 2)),
+			       "%"])
+		      :: (if !raw
+			     then
+				[concat
+				 (case kind of
+				     Kind.Alloc =>
+					["(", IntInf.toCommaString ticks, ")"]
+				   | Kind.Time =>
+					["(",
+					 Real.format
+					 (rticks / ticksPerSecond,
+					  Real.Format.fix (SOME 2)),
+					 "s)"])]
+			  else [])
+		   val nodeIndex =
+		      List.push
+		      (nodeOptions node,
+		       Dot.NodeOption.Label
+		       [(name, Dot.Center),
+			(concat (List.separate (per, " ")), Dot.Center)])
-		   if per total < thresh
-		      then ac
-		   else
-		      let
-			 val per =
-			    fn total =>
-			    let
-			       val a =
-				  concat [Real.format (per total,
-						       Real.Format.fix (SOME 2)),
-					  "%"]
-			    in
-			       if !raw
-				  then
-				     [a,
-				      concat
-				      (case kind of
-					  Kind.Alloc =>
-					     ["(",
-					      IntInf.toCommaString ticks,
-					      ")"]
-					| Kind.Time =>
-					     ["(",
-					      Real.format
-					      (rticks / ticksPerSecond,
-					       Real.Format.fix (SOME 2)),
-					      "s)"])]
-			       else [a]
-			    end
-		      in			    
-			 {name = name,
-			  ticks = ticks,
-			  row = (List.concat
-				 [[concat [space, name]],
-				  stuffing,
-				  per total,
-				  if !busy
-				     then List.concatMap (totals, per)
-				  else (List.duplicate
-					(List.length totals * mult,
-					 fn () => ""))]),
-			  minor = if n < depth
-				     then doit (minor, n + 1,
-						concat [baseName, ".",
-							name, ".cfg.dot"],
-						if !raw
-						   then tl (tl stuffing)
-						else tl stuffing,
-						total :: totals)
-				  else T (Array.new0 ())}
-			 :: ac
-		      end
-		end)
-	    val a = Array.fromList profileInfo
-	    val _ =
-	       QuickSort.sortArray
-	       (a, fn ({ticks = t1, ...}, {ticks = t2, ...}) =>
-		IntInf.>= (t1, t2))
-	    (* Colorize. *)
-	    val _ =
-	       if n > 1 orelse not(!color) orelse 0 = Array.length a
-		  then ()
-	       else
-		  let
-		     val ticks: real =
-			Real.fromIntInf (#ticks (Array.sub (a, 0)))
-		     fun thresh r = Real.toIntInf (Real.* (ticks, r))
-		     val thresh1 = thresh (2.0 / 3.0)
-		     val thresh2 = thresh (1.0 / 3.0)
-		     datatype z = datatype DotColor.t
-		     fun color l =
-			DotColor.toString
-			(case Array.peek (a, fn {name, ...} =>
-					  String.equals (l, name)) of
-			    NONE => Black
-			  | SOME {ticks, ...} =>
-			       if IntInf.>= (ticks, thresh1)
-				  then Red1
-			       else if IntInf.>= (ticks, thresh2)
-				       then Orange2
-				    else Yellow3)
-		  in
-		     if not (File.doesExist dotFile)
-			then ()
-		     else
-			let
-			   val replaceLine = replaceLine ()
-			   val lines = File.lines dotFile
-			in
-			   File.withOut
-			   (dotFile, fn out =>
-			    List.foreach
-			    (lines, fn l =>
-			     Out.output (out, replaceLine (l, color))))
-			end
-		  end
-	 in T a
-	 end
-      fun toList (T a, ac) =
-	 Array.foldr (a, ac, fn ({row, minor, ...}, ac) =>
-		      row :: toList (minor, ac))
-      val rows = toList (doit (counts, 0,
-			       concat [baseName, ".call-graph.dot"],
-			       List.duplicate (depth * mult, fn () => ""),
-			       []),
-			 [])
+		   SOME {node = node,
+			 row = name :: per,
+			 ticks = ticks}
+		end
+	  end)
+      val _ =
+	 Vector.mapi
+	 (counts,
+	  fn (i, z) =>
+	  case z of
+	     NONE => ()
+	   | SOME {node = from, ...} =>
+		Vector.foreach
+		(Vector.sub (sourceSuccessors, i), fn j =>
+		 case Vector.sub (counts, j) of
+		    NONE => ()
+		  | SOME {node = to, ...} => 
+		       (Graph.addEdge (graph, {from = from, to = to})
+			; ())))
+      val _ = 
+	 File.withOut
+	 (concat [aname, ".dot"], fn out =>
+	  Layout.output
+	  (Graph.layoutDot (graph,
+			    fn _ => {edgeOptions = fn _ => [],
+				     nodeOptions = ! o nodeOptions,
+				     options = [],
+				     title = "call-stack graph"}),
+	   out))
+      val counts = Vector.keepAllMap (counts, fn z => z)
+      val counts =
+	 QuickSort.sortVector
+	 (counts, fn ({ticks = t1, ...}, {ticks = t2, ...}) =>
+	  IntInf.>= (t1, t2))
+      val _ = 
+	 print
+	 (concat
+	  (case kind of
+	      Kind.Alloc => [IntInf.toCommaString total, " bytes allocated\n"]
+	    | Kind.Time => 
+		 [Real.format (totalReal / ticksPerSecond, 
+			       Real.Format.fix (SOME 2)),
+		  " seconds of CPU time\n"]))
       val _ =
 	    open Justify
-	    (table {justs = (Left
-			     :: (List.duplicate ((depth + 1) * mult,
-						 fn () => Right))),
-		    rows = rows},
+	    (table {justs = Left :: List.duplicate (if !raw then 2 else 1,
+					            fn () => Right),
+		    rows = Vector.toListMap (counts, #row)},
@@ -436,20 +265,8 @@
       open Popt
-      ([(Normal, "busy", "{false|true}", "show all percentages",
-	 boolRef busy),
-	(Normal, "color", " {false|true}", "color .dot files",
-	 boolRef color),
-	(Expert, "depth", " {0|1|2}", "depth of detail",
-	 Int (fn i => if i < 0 orelse i > 2
-			 then usage "invalid depth"
-		      else depth := i)),
-	(Normal, "raw", " {false|true}", "show raw counts",
+      ([(Normal, "raw", " {false|true}", "show raw counts",
 	 boolRef raw),
-	(Expert, "source", " {true|false}", "report info at source level",
-	 boolRef source),
-	(Normal, "static", " {false|true}", "show static C functions",
-	 boolRef static),
 	(Normal, "thresh", " {0|1|...|100}", "only show counts above threshold",
 	 Int (fn i => if i < 0 orelse i > 100
 			 then usage "invalid -thresh"
@@ -472,10 +289,6 @@
 	  Result.No msg => usage msg
 	| Result.Yes (afile::mlmonfile::mlmonfiles) =>
-		val _ =
-		   if !source andalso !depth > 0
-		      then die "cannot report source info with depth > 0"
-		   else ()
 		val aInfo = AFile.new {afile = afile}
 		val _ =
 		   if true
@@ -492,18 +305,20 @@
 		   if true
 		      then ()
 		   else (print "ProfFile:\n"
-			 ; Layout.outputl (ProfFile.layout profFile, Out.standard))
+			 ; Layout.outputl (ProfFile.layout profFile,
+					   Out.standard))
 		val _ =
-		   if !depth = 2
-		      andalso ProfFile.kind profFile = Kind.Alloc
-		      then usage "-depth 2 is meaningless with allocation profiling"
-		   else ()
-		val info =
-		   case attribute (aInfo, profFile) of
-		      NONE => die (concat [afile, " is incompatible with ",
-					   mlmonfile])
-		    | SOME z => z
-		val _ = display (profFile, info, afile, !depth)
+		   let
+		      val AFile.T {magic = m, sources, ...} = aInfo
+		      val ProfFile.T {magic = m', ...} = profFile
+		   in
+		      if m <> m'
+			 then
+			    die (concat [afile, " is incompatible with ",
+					 mlmonfile])
+		      else ()
+		   end
+		val _ = display (aInfo, profFile)

1.46      +24 -17    mlton/mlton/backend/backend.fun

Index: backend.fun
RCS file: /cvsroot/mlton/mlton/mlton/backend/backend.fun,v
retrieving revision 1.45
retrieving revision 1.46
diff -u -r1.45 -r1.46
--- backend.fun	3 Jan 2003 06:14:14 -0000	1.45
+++ backend.fun	4 Jan 2003 02:00:27 -0000	1.46
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
       val program = pass ("insertSignalChecks", SignalCheck.insert, program)
       val program = pass ("implementHandlers", ImplementHandlers.doit, program)
       val {frameProfileIndices, labels = profileLabels, program, sources,
-	   sourceSeqs} =
+	   sourceSeqs, sourceSuccessors} =
 	 {display = Control.Layouts (fn ({program, ...}, output) =>
 				     Rssa.Program.layouts (program, output)),
@@ -163,19 +163,22 @@
 	  thunk = fn () => Profile.profile program,
 	  typeCheck = R.Program.typeCheck o #program}
       val _ = R.Program.checkHandlers program
+      val profileStack =
+	 !Control.profile <> Control.ProfileNone
+	 andalso !Control.profileStack
       val frameProfileIndex =
-	 if !Control.profile = Control.ProfileNone
-	    then fn _ => 0
-	 else
-	    let
-	       val {get, set, ...} =
-		  Property.getSetOnce
-		  (Label.plist,
-		   Property.initRaise ("frameProfileIndex", Label.layout))
-	       val _ = Vector.foreach (frameProfileIndices, set)
-	    in
-	       get
-	    end
+	 if profileStack
+	    then
+	       let
+		  val {get, set, ...} =
+		     Property.getSetOnce
+		     (Label.plist,
+		      Property.initRaise ("frameProfileIndex", Label.layout))
+		  val _ = Vector.foreach (frameProfileIndices, set)
+	       in
+		  get
+	       end
+	 else fn _ => 0
       val _ =
 	    open Control
@@ -253,15 +256,18 @@
 				   offsets: int list,
 				   size: int}: int =
-	       val profileIndex = frameProfileIndex label
 	       val foi = frameOffsetsIndex (IntSet.fromList offsets)
+	       val profileIndex = frameProfileIndex label
 	       fun new () =
 		     val _ =
 			List.push (frameLayouts,
 				   {frameOffsetsIndex = foi,
 				    size = size})
-		     val _ = List.push (frameSources, profileIndex)
+		     val _ =
+			if profileStack
+			   then List.push (frameSources, profileIndex)
+			else ()
 		     Counter.next frameLayoutsCounter
@@ -1056,8 +1062,9 @@
       val profileInfo =
 	 ProfileInfo.T {frameSources = frameSources,
 			labels = profileLabels,
-			sources = sources,
-			sourceSeqs = sourceSeqs}
+			sourceSeqs = sourceSeqs,
+			sourceSuccessors = sourceSuccessors,
+			sources = sources}
       {chunks = chunks,

1.38      +59 -35    mlton/mlton/backend/machine.fun

Index: machine.fun
RCS file: /cvsroot/mlton/mlton/mlton/backend/machine.fun,v
retrieving revision 1.37
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -u -r1.37 -r1.38
--- machine.fun	2 Jan 2003 17:45:14 -0000	1.37
+++ machine.fun	4 Jan 2003 02:00:29 -0000	1.38
@@ -628,10 +628,55 @@
 	       labels: {label: ProfileLabel.t,
 			sourceSeqsIndex: int} vector,
 	       sourceSeqs: int vector vector,
+	       sourceSuccessors: int vector,
 	       sources: SourceInfo.t vector}
       fun clear (T {labels, ...}) =
 	 Vector.foreach (labels, ProfileLabel.clear o #label)
+      fun layout (T {frameSources, labels, sourceSeqs, sourceSuccessors,
+		     sources}) =
+	 Layout.record
+	 [("frameSources", Vector.layout Int.layout frameSources),
+	  ("labels",
+	   Vector.layout (fn {label, sourceSeqsIndex} =>
+			  Layout.record
+			  [("label", ProfileLabel.layout label),
+			   ("sourceSeqsIndex",
+			    Int.layout sourceSeqsIndex)])
+	   labels),
+	  ("sourceSeqs", Vector.layout (Vector.layout Int.layout) sourceSeqs),
+	  ("sources", Vector.layout SourceInfo.layout sources)]
+      fun layouts (pi, output) = output (layout pi)
+      fun isOK (T {frameSources,
+		   labels,
+		   sourceSeqs,
+		   sourceSuccessors,
+		   sources}): bool =
+	 let
+	    val sourceSeqsLength = Vector.length sourceSeqs
+	    val sourcesLength = Vector.length sources
+	 in
+	    !Control.profile = Control.ProfileNone
+	    orelse
+	    (true
+	     andalso (Vector.forall
+		      (frameSources, fn i =>
+		       0 <= i andalso i < sourceSeqsLength))
+	     andalso (Vector.forall
+		      (labels, fn {sourceSeqsIndex = i, ...} =>
+		       0 <= i andalso i < sourceSeqsLength)))
+	     andalso (Vector.forall
+		      (sourceSeqs, fn v =>
+		       Vector.forall
+		       (v, fn i => 0 <= i andalso i < sourcesLength)))
+	     andalso (Vector.length sourceSuccessors = Vector.length sources)
+	     andalso (Vector.forall
+		      (sourceSuccessors, fn i =>
+		       0 <= i andalso i < sourceSeqsLength))
+	 end
 structure Program =
@@ -660,7 +705,7 @@
       fun layouts (p as T {chunks, frameLayouts, frameOffsets, handlesSignals,
 			   main = {label, ...},
-			   maxFrameSize, objectTypes, ...},
+			   maxFrameSize, objectTypes, profileInfo, ...},
 		   output': Layout.t -> unit) =
 	    open Layout
@@ -678,6 +723,8 @@
 					      Int.layout frameOffsetsIndex),
 					     ("size", Int.layout size)])
+	    ; output (str "\nProfileInfo:")
+	    ; ProfileInfo.layouts (profileInfo, output)
 	    ; output (str "\nObjectTypes:")
 	    ; Vector.foreachi (objectTypes, fn (i, ty) =>
 			       output (seq [str "pt_", Int.layout i,
@@ -728,10 +775,9 @@
       fun typeCheck (program as
 		     T {chunks, frameLayouts, frameOffsets, intInfs, main,
 			maxFrameSize, objectTypes,
-			profileInfo = ProfileInfo.T {frameSources,
-						     labels = profileLabels,
-						     sources,
-						     sourceSeqs},
+			profileInfo as ProfileInfo.T {frameSources,
+						      labels = profileLabels,
+						      ...},
 			reals, strings, ...}) =
 	    val _ =
@@ -752,14 +798,15 @@
 		       else print (concat ["missing profile info: ",
 					   Label.toString label, "\n"])))
 	       else ()
-	    val maxProfileLabel = Vector.length sourceSeqs
 	    val _ =
-	       Vector.foreach
-	       (profileLabels, fn {sourceSeqsIndex = i, ...} =>
-		Err.check
-		("profileLabels",
-		 fn () => 0 <= i andalso i < maxProfileLabel,
-		 fn () => Int.layout i))
+	       Err.check
+	       ("frameSources length",
+		fn () => (Vector.length frameSources
+			  = (if !Control.profile <> Control.ProfileNone
+				andalso !Control.profileStack
+				then Vector.length frameLayouts
+			     else 0)),
+		fn () => ProfileInfo.layout profileInfo)
 	    val {get = profileLabelCount, ...} =
 	       (ProfileLabel.plist, Property.initFun (fn _ => ref 0))
@@ -772,29 +819,6 @@
 				     0 => r := 1
 				   | _ => Error.bug "duplicate profile label"
-	    val _ =
-	       let
-		  val maxFrameSourceSeq = Vector.length sourceSeqs
-		  val _ =
-		     Vector.foreach
-		     (frameSources, fn i =>
-		      Err.check
-		      ("frameSources", 
-		       fn () => 0 <= i andalso i <= maxFrameSourceSeq,
-		       fn () => Int.layout i))
-		  val maxSource = Vector.length sources
-		  val _ =
-		     Vector.foreach
-		     (sourceSeqs, fn v =>
-		      Vector.foreach
-		      (v, fn i =>
-		       Err.check
-		       ("sourceSeq",
-			fn () => 0 <= i andalso i < maxSource,
-			fn () => Int.layout i)))
-	       in
-		  ()
-	       end
 	    fun getFrameInfo (FrameInfo.T {frameLayoutsIndex, ...}) =
 	       Vector.sub (frameLayouts, frameLayoutsIndex)
 	    fun boolToUnitOpt b = if b then SOME () else NONE

1.29      +1 -0      mlton/mlton/backend/machine.sig

Index: machine.sig
RCS file: /cvsroot/mlton/mlton/mlton/backend/machine.sig,v
retrieving revision 1.28
retrieving revision 1.29
diff -u -r1.28 -r1.29
--- machine.sig	2 Jan 2003 17:45:14 -0000	1.28
+++ machine.sig	4 Jan 2003 02:00:33 -0000	1.29
@@ -221,6 +221,7 @@
 		      * each given as an index into the source vector.
 		     sourceSeqs: int vector vector,
+		     sourceSuccessors: int vector,
 		     sources: SourceInfo.t vector}

1.8       +91 -66    mlton/mlton/backend/profile.fun

Index: profile.fun
RCS file: /cvsroot/mlton/mlton/mlton/backend/profile.fun,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.7 -r1.8
--- profile.fun	3 Jan 2003 06:14:15 -0000	1.7
+++ profile.fun	4 Jan 2003 02:00:35 -0000	1.8
@@ -4,33 +4,44 @@
 open S
 open Rssa
-structure Graph = DirectedGraph
-   open Graph
-   structure Edge = Edge
-   structure Node = Node
 type sourceSeq = int list
 structure InfoNode =
       datatype t = T of {index: int,
 			 info: SourceInfo.t,
-			 node: Node.t}
+			 successors: t list ref}
 	 fun make f (T r) = f r
 	 val index = make #index
 	 val info = make #info
-	 val node = make #node
       fun layout (T {index, info, ...}) =
 	 Layout.record [("index", Int.layout index),
 			("info", SourceInfo.layout info)]
+      fun equals (n: t, n': t): bool = index n = index n'
+      fun call {from = T {successors, ...}, to} =
+	 if List.exists (!successors, fn n => equals (n, to))
+	    then ()
+	 else List.push (successors, to)
+   end
+structure FuncInfo =
+   struct
+      datatype t = T of {callers: InfoNode.t list ref,
+			 enters: InfoNode.t list ref,
+			 seen: bool ref,
+			 tailCalls: t list ref}
+      fun new () = T {callers = ref [],
+		      enters = ref [],
+		      seen = ref false,
+		      tailCalls = ref []}
 structure Push =
@@ -60,8 +71,9 @@
       then {frameProfileIndices = Vector.new0 (),
 	    labels = Vector.new0 (),
 	    program = program,
-	    sources = Vector.new0 (),
-	    sourceSeqs = Vector.new0 ()}
+	    sourceSeqs = Vector.new0 (),
+	    sourceSuccessors = Vector.new0 (),
+	    sources = Vector.new0 ()}
       val Program.T {functions, main, objectTypes} = program
@@ -72,19 +84,11 @@
       val profileTime: bool = profile = Control.ProfileTime
       val frameProfileIndices = ref []
-	 val graph = Graph.new ()
-	 val {get = nodeOptions, ...} =
-	    Property.get (Node.plist, Property.initFun (fn _ => ref []))
 	 val table: InfoNode.t HashSet.t =
 	    HashSet.new {hash = SourceInfo.hash o InfoNode.info}
 	 val c = Counter.new 0
 	 val sourceInfos = ref []
-	 fun addEdge {from, to} =
-	    if List.exists (Node.successors from, fn e =>
-			    Node.equals (to, Edge.to e))
-	       then ()
-	    else (Graph.addEdge (graph, {from = from, to = to}); ())
 	 fun sourceInfoNode (si: SourceInfo.t) =
 	    (table, SourceInfo.hash si,
@@ -92,15 +96,10 @@
 	     fn () => let
 			 val _ = List.push (sourceInfos, si)
 			 val index = Counter.next c
-			 val node = Graph.newNode graph
-			 val _ =
-			    List.push
-			    (nodeOptions node,
-			     Dot.NodeOption.label (SourceInfo.toString si))
 			 InfoNode.T {index = index,
 				     info = si,
-				     node = node}
+				     successors = ref []}
 	 val sourceInfoIndex = InfoNode.index o sourceInfoNode
 	 fun firstEnter (ps: Push.t list): InfoNode.t option =
@@ -108,18 +107,6 @@
 			  case p of
 			     Push.Enter n => SOME n
 			   | _ => NONE)
-	 fun saveGraph () =
-	    Control.saveToFile
-	    ({suffix = "call-graph.dot"},
-	     Control.Dot,
-	     (),
-	     Control.Layout (fn () =>
-			     Graph.layoutDot
-			     (graph,
-			      fn _ => {edgeOptions = fn _ => [],
-				       nodeOptions = ! o nodeOptions,
-				       options = [],
-				       title = "call graph"})))
 	 fun makeSources () = Vector.fromListRev (!sourceInfos)
       (* unknown must be 0, which == SOURCES_INDEX_UNKNOWN from gc.h *)
@@ -187,39 +174,56 @@
 	       orelse index = mainIndex
 	       orelse index = unknownIndex
-	 val {get: Func.t -> {callees: Node.t list ref,
-			      callers: Node.t list ref}, ...} =
-	    Property.get (Func.plist,
-			  Property.initFun (fn _ => {callers = ref [],
-						     callees = ref []}))
+	 val {get: Func.t -> FuncInfo.t, ...} =
+	    Property.get (Func.plist, Property.initFun (fn _ => FuncInfo.new ()))
 	 val funcInfo = get
 	 fun addFuncEdges () =
 	    (* Don't need to add edges for main because no one calls it. *)
-	    List.foreach (functions, fn f =>
-			  let
-			     val {callers, callees} = get (Function.name f)
-			  in
+	    List.foreach
+	    (functions, fn f =>
+	     let
+		val allSeen: bool ref list ref = ref []
+		val func = Function.name f
+		val fi as FuncInfo.T {callers, ...} = get func
+		(* Add edges from all the callers to the enters in f and all
+		 * functions that f tail calls.
+		 *)
+		fun call (FuncInfo.T {enters, seen, tailCalls, ...}): unit =
+		   if !seen
+		      then ()
+		   else
+		      let
+			 val _ = seen := true
+			 val _ = List.push (allSeen, seen)
+			 val _ = 
+			    List.foreach
+			    (!callers, fn from =>
-			     (!callers, fn from =>
-			      List.foreach (!callees, fn to =>
-					    addEdge {from = from, to = to}))
-			  end)
+			     (!enters, fn to =>
+			      InfoNode.call {from = from, to = to}))
+		      in
+			 List.foreach (!tailCalls, call)
+		      end
+		val _ = call fi
+		val _ = List.foreach (!allSeen, fn r => r := false)
+	     in
+		()
+	     end)
       fun doFunction (f: Function.t): Function.t =
 	    val {args, blocks, name, raises, returns, start} = Function.dest f
-	    val {callees, ...} = funcInfo name
+	    val FuncInfo.T {enters, tailCalls, ...} = funcInfo name
 	    fun enter (si: SourceInfo.t, ps: Push.t list) =
-		  val n as InfoNode.T {node, ...} = sourceInfoNode si
+		  val node = sourceInfoNode si
 		  val _ = 
 		     case firstEnter ps of
-			NONE => List.push (callees, node)
-		      | SOME (InfoNode.T {node = node', ...}) =>
-			   addEdge {from = node', to = node}
+			NONE => List.push (enters, node)
+		      | SOME node' => InfoNode.call {from = node', to = node}
-		  Push.Enter n :: ps
+		  Push.Enter node :: ps
 	    val _ =
@@ -354,7 +358,7 @@
 			val Block.T {args, kind, label, statements, transfer,
 				     ...} = block
 			val _ =
-			   if Kind.isFrame kind
+			   if profileStack andalso Kind.isFrame kind
 			      then List.push (frameProfileIndices,
@@ -502,11 +506,19 @@
 			(* Record the call for the call graph. *)
 			val _ =
 			   case transfer of
-			      Transfer.Call {func, ...} =>
-				 Option.app
-				 (firstEnter sourceSeq,
-				  fn InfoNode.T {node, ...} =>
-				  List.push (#callers (funcInfo func), node))
+			      Transfer.Call {func, return, ...} =>
+				 let
+				    val fi as FuncInfo.T {callers, ...} =
+				       funcInfo func
+				 in
+				    case return of
+				       Return.NonTail _ =>
+					  Option.app
+					  (firstEnter sourceSeq,
+					   fn n => List.push (callers, n))
+				   | _ =>
+					List.push (tailCalls, fi)
+				 end
 			    | _ => ()
 			val {args, kind, label, statements, ...} =
 			   maybeSplit {args = args,
@@ -574,13 +586,26 @@
 			       main = doFunction main,
 			       objectTypes = objectTypes}
       val _ = addFuncEdges ()
-      val _ = saveGraph ()
+      val sources = makeSources ()
+      val sourceSuccessors =
+	 Vector.map (sources, fn si =>
+		     let
+			val InfoNode.T {successors, ...} = sourceInfoNode si
+		     in
+			sourceSeqIndex
+			(List.revMap (!successors, InfoNode.index))
+		     end)
+      (* This must happen after making sourceSuccessors, since that creates
+       * new sourceSeqs.
+       *)
+      val sourceSeqs = makeSourceSeqs ()
       {frameProfileIndices = Vector.fromList (!frameProfileIndices),
        labels = Vector.fromList (!labels),
        program = program,
-       sources = makeSources (),
-       sourceSeqs = makeSourceSeqs ()}
+       sourceSeqs = sourceSeqs,
+       sourceSuccessors = sourceSuccessors,
+       sources = sources}

1.2       +3 -2      mlton/mlton/backend/profile.sig

Index: profile.sig
RCS file: /cvsroot/mlton/mlton/mlton/backend/profile.sig,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- profile.sig	19 Dec 2002 23:43:32 -0000	1.1
+++ profile.sig	4 Jan 2003 02:00:36 -0000	1.2
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 			    labels: {label: Rssa.ProfileLabel.t,
 				     sourceSeqsIndex: int} vector,
 			    program: Rssa.Program.t,
-			    sources: Rssa.SourceInfo.t vector,
-			    sourceSeqs: int vector vector}
+			    sourceSeqs: int vector vector,
+			    sourceSuccessors: int vector,
+			    sources: Rssa.SourceInfo.t vector}

1.42      +6 -3      mlton/mlton/codegen/c-codegen/c-codegen.fun

Index: c-codegen.fun
RCS file: /cvsroot/mlton/mlton/mlton/codegen/c-codegen/c-codegen.fun,v
retrieving revision 1.41
retrieving revision 1.42
diff -u -r1.41 -r1.42
--- c-codegen.fun	3 Jan 2003 06:14:16 -0000	1.41
+++ c-codegen.fun	4 Jan 2003 02:00:37 -0000	1.42
@@ -245,7 +245,8 @@
       fun declareProfileInfo () =
-	    val ProfileInfo.T {frameSources, labels, sourceSeqs, sources} =
+	    val ProfileInfo.T {frameSources, labels, sourceSeqs,
+			       sourceSuccessors, sources} =
 	    Vector.foreach (labels, fn {label, ...} =>
@@ -267,9 +268,11 @@
 						  (print (concat [",", C.int i])))
 				; print "};\n"))
-	    ; declareArray ("int", "*sourceSeqs", sourceSeqs, fn (i, _) =>
+	    ; declareArray ("uint", "*sourceSeqs", sourceSeqs, fn (i, _) =>
 			    concat ["sourceSeq", Int.toString i])
-	    ; declareArray ("int", "frameSources", frameSources, C.int o #2)
+	    ; declareArray ("uint", "frameSources", frameSources, C.int o #2)
+	    ; declareArray ("uint", "sourceSuccessors", sourceSuccessors,
+			    C.int o #2)
       print (concat ["#define ", name, "CODEGEN\n\n"])

1.112     +10 -0     mlton/runtime/gc.c

Index: gc.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/mlton/mlton/runtime/gc.c,v
retrieving revision 1.111
retrieving revision 1.112
diff -u -r1.111 -r1.112
--- gc.c	3 Jan 2003 06:14:16 -0000	1.111
+++ gc.c	4 Jan 2003 02:00:39 -0000	1.112
@@ -2825,10 +2825,20 @@
 static void showProf (GC_state s) {
 	int i;
+	int j;
 	fprintf (stdout, "0x%08x\n", s->magic);
+	fprintf (stdout, "%u\n", s->sourcesSize);
 	for (i = 0; i < s->sourcesSize; ++i)
 		fprintf (stdout, "%s\n", s->sources[i]);
+	for (i = 0; i < s->sourcesSize; ++i) {
+		uint *sourceSeq;
+		sourceSeq = s->sourceSeqs[s->sourceSuccessors[i]];
+		for (j = 1; j <= sourceSeq[0]; ++j)
+			fprintf (stdout, "%u ", sourceSeq[j]);
+		fprintf (stdout, "\n");
+	}
 void GC_profileFree (GC_state s, GC_profile p) {

1.51      +6 -1      mlton/runtime/gc.h

Index: gc.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/mlton/mlton/runtime/gc.h,v
retrieving revision 1.50
retrieving revision 1.51
diff -u -r1.50 -r1.51
--- gc.h	3 Jan 2003 06:14:17 -0000	1.50
+++ gc.h	4 Jan 2003 02:00:41 -0000	1.51
@@ -405,8 +405,13 @@
 	/* Each entry in sourceSeqs is a vector, whose first element is
          * a length, and subsequent elements index into sources.
-	int **sourceSeqs;
+	uint **sourceSeqs;
 	uint sourceSeqsSize;
+	/* sourceSuccessors is an array of length sourcesSize.  Each entry is an
+	 * index into sourceSeqs that specifies the call-stack successors to this
+	 * source.
+	 */
+	uint *sourceSuccessors;
 	pointer stackBottom; /* The bottom of the stack in the current thread. */
  	uint startTime; /* The time when GC_init or GC_loadWorld was called. */
         /* The inits array should be NULL terminated, 

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