[MLton-devel] Re: finalization in MLton
Stephen Weeks
Mon, 19 May 2003 11:45:23 -0700
> Really, touch needs to be a compiler primitive.
Yes. I hope to put it in today.
> > Yes, if we are talking about and arbitrary intelligent SML compiler
> > with weak pointers. But with the current MLton what do I need to
> > do to protect my finalized values?
> Use refs ;-)
> Keeping more in line with your implementation, you need a touch that just
> might (but really won't) be called with different exceptions. I'd propose
> the following:
> Again, an arbitrarily smart compiler could figure this out. In
> particular, the closure for touch (holding r') is always paired up with a
> getVal and value -- and value = WRAP(?, r'); so, the r' in the closure of
> touch is really redundant. If the compiler came up with a better
> representation for the closures of touch and getVal and the representation
> of value, then they could all share the same unit ref, and the comparision
> r = r' would become r = r which is manifestly true. But, don't expect to
> see any such optimization any time soon. ;-)
Actually, I think MLton will figure this one out sometimes due to
globalization of refs. So I wouldn't trust this approach either. The
only approach I would trust is to use the new touch primitive.
Stepping back a level, since we now have a Finalizable module in
MLton, I think things be much more robust if Ken uses that instead of
trying to roll his own. As we can see, the implementation relies on a
lot of low-level understanding of the compiler (weak pointers, gc,
optimization, ...), which will almost certainly be different from
compiler to compiler. So, I don't see any advantage to sharing the
code between Moscow ML and MLton and I do see the disadvantage of
mistakes and confusion. Also, it would be nice to encapsulate all
that low-level understanding and trickiness in one place (the
implementation of MLton.Finalizable) so that we can change it without
breaking other code. Thus, Ken, I think it would be best if you built
your Finalized module on top of MLton.Finalizable, something like the
type 'a t
val addFinalizer: 'a t * ('a -> unit) -> unit
val finalizeBefore: 'a t * 'b t -> unit
val new: 'a -> 'a t
val withValue: 'a t * ('a -> 'b) -> 'b
signature Finalized =
type 'a value
type 'a destructor = 'a -> unit
val value : 'a * 'a destructor -> 'a value
val withValue : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a value -> 'b
val doGC : unit -> unit
functor F (S: MLTON_FINALIZABLE): Finalized =
type 'a value = 'a S.t
type 'a destructor = 'a -> unit
fun value (x, d) =
val v = S.new x
val _ = S.addFinalizer (v, d)
fun withValue f v = S.withValue (v, f)
fun doGC () = ()
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