[MLton] Broken CVS

Wesley W. Terpstra terpstra@gkec.tu-darmstadt.de
Wed, 15 Dec 2004 14:52:43 +0100

Right now in CVS a build will fail with:
   val x_7695 =
      #1 x_7690
   val x_7696 =
      #0 x_7690
   val x_7697 =
      (x_7695, x_7696)
   val x_7698 =
      x_6312 x_7697
unhandled exception: TypeError
Error: cannot upgrade basis because the compiler doesn't work
make[4]: *** [upgrade-basis.sml] Error 1

This build failure was introduced by basis-library/misc/primitive.sml:1.137.

... took me a while to figure out that it wasn't my changes to the bigEndian
code that was causing the problems. ;)

Btw, in control/control.sml how can I grab the constant
"MLton_Platform_Arch_bigendian" as a bool and set fun targetIsBigEndian () =
to that?

I want the constant for the target platform. I've just being hacking that
one spot to true/false for now. The basis library was no trouble at all with
_constant, but if I use that in the compiler I will get the host, not the


Wesley W. Terpstra