[MLton] wiki cvs-like tool
Matthew Fluet
Thu, 18 Nov 2004 18:14:42 -0500 (EST)
> I don't trust Cygwin, so I tweaked Posix_IO_read to malloc its own
> buffer and pass that to read, then memcpy the buffer to the SML
> buffer. That did not affect the behavior at all (i.e. I still get
> EINVAL). I'd be curious to see what that does on your system. It
> would offer more conclusive evidence of confusion on Cygwin's part if
> we get EFAULT with a buffer that we just malloc'd.
I modified Posix_IO_read as follows:
Ssize Posix_IO_read (Fd fd, Pointer b, Int i, Size s) {
fprintf(stderr, "Posix_IO_read(%ld, 0x%08x, %ld, %ld):\n",
fd, (uint)b, i, s);
void *buf = malloc(s);
fprintf(stderr, "\tbuf = 0x%08x\n", (uint)buf);
Ssize res = (Ssize)(read (fd, buf, s));
fprintf(stderr, "\tres = %ld\n", res);
memcpy((void *) ((char *) b + i), buf, s);
return res;
return (Ssize)(read (fd, (void *) ((char *) b + i), s));
Running, I continue to get "Bad address":
$ ./wiki login http://mlton.org MatthewFluet foobar
Posix_IO_read(3, 0x011f1428, 0, 4096):
buf = 0x10030228
res = 1190
Posix_IO_read(3, 0x012f4efc, 0, 4096):
buf = 0x10031230
res = -1
inputAll <socket>: Bad address
So, that seems to suggest Cygwin weirdness.