[MLton] MLTon speed (Languages Shootout)
Chris Clearwater
Tue, 01 Mar 2005 14:53:35 -0800
Alexandre wrote:
> Hello,
> just see updated computer language shootout benchmark
> (http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/benchmark.php?
> test=all&lang=all&sort=cpu&xfullcpu=1&xmem=1&xloc=0&ackermann=1&wc=3&ech
> o=5&fannkuch=3&fasta=3&fibo=1&harmonic=1&heapsort=4&mandelbrot=4&matrix=
> 3&nbody=3&nsieve=3&nsievebits=2&objinst=5&methcall=5&pidigits=2&random=3
> ®exmatch=4&reversefile=4&spellcheck=4&hello=0&moments=2&sumcol=3&takf
> p=1&process=2&message=3&wordfreq=5) and it seems that SML/NJ
> implementation became faster... I mean that there is no such big
> perfomance lag as it was later. Can you comment this (I'm just
> curious why)?
> Regards,
> /Alexandre.
It appears SML/NJ has all the tests for the shootout implemented. Most
implementations are missing a few and don't recieve points for those
tests. If you give all the tests which have a "(new)" suffix a weight of
0, SML/NJ falls pretty down the list. Also I think that the shootout
mailing list (shootout-list@lists.alioth.debian.org) would probally be
the most appropraite place for such a question as it doesn't involve
MLton at all :-)