[MLton] strange error message

John Reppy jhr at cs.uchicago.edu
Wed Dec 6 18:05:31 PST 2006

I just rebuilt mlton from sources (rev 4906) and I'm seeing the  
following error message:

   mlton  -target-link-opt darwin '-framework GLUT -framework OpenGL - 
framework Foundation' -target-link-opt cygwin '-L/lib/w32api -lglut32  
-lglu32 -lopengl32' -target-link-opt linux '-lglut -lGLU -lGL'  - 
output triangle main.mlb /Users/jhr/Work/hacking/sml3d/glut/glut-glue.o
   unknown switch: -cc-opts
   usage: mlton [option ...] file.{c|cm|mlb|o|sml} [file.{c|o|s|S} ...]

This message is strange, because I don't use "-cc-opts" on my command  
line.  I'm running
on an Intel Mac.

	- John

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