[MLton] MLton IL

Matthew Fluet fluet at tti-c.org
Mon Mar 5 08:11:21 PST 2007

skaller wrote:
> Is there an external interface to the MLton IL?
> [That is, a way of compiling IL from a text file ..]

I could ask the question: "Which MLton IL?  (There are many.)"  But, the 
answer for all of them is: "No, we don't have parsers for any of the ILs."

For debugging the compiler, we've always found that starting from the 
SML source file was sufficient.

If someone wanted to use MLton as a backend for a different front-end 
language, then targeting one of the ILs would be appropriate.  I don't 
think it would be terribly hard to write a parser for the SSA IL (or any 
of the other ones).  But, we haven't found it necessary.

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