<div dir="ltr">I have many different MLton toolchains on different platforms and machines. It is often confusing to me which build has which patches applied, especially when I come back to a computer after some time away. Release versions of MLton include a release date as their version information. Builds from svn/HEAD though just report MLTONVERSION. Since I imagine most of the MLton developers work exclusively with svn builds and not release builds, I think it would be helpful if we included the svn revision number the compiler was built from. eg:<br>
<div style="margin-left: 40px;">$ mlton<br>MLton r6673 (built Sun Aug 24 05:10:14 2008 on carrot)<br></div><br>I know that this information comes from control-flags.sml. There is a subversion tag "$Rev$" which gets replaced with the file version, but what we really want is the revision of the tree's root. Does anyone know the relevant subverison magic? Also, will this break whatever script creates MLton releases? (ie: does it look for MLTONVERSION)<br>