[MLton-commit] r6817

Matthew Fluet fluet at mlton.org
Sat Aug 30 15:03:46 PDT 2008

Fix external function calls with x86-codegen on x86-darwin.

Must ensure that the label chosen by 'makeDarwinSymbolStubLabel' is
the same label that is used in the call.

Also, use thunk suspensions to avoid allocating labels that will not
be used.

U   mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/x86-codegen/x86-generate-transfers.fun


Modified: mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/x86-codegen/x86-generate-transfers.fun
--- mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/x86-codegen/x86-generate-transfers.fun	2008-08-30 22:03:40 UTC (rev 6816)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/x86-codegen/x86-generate-transfers.fun	2008-08-30 22:03:45 UTC (rev 6817)
@@ -467,19 +467,17 @@
            val set: (word * String.t * Label.t) HashSet.t =
               HashSet.new {hash = #1}
-           fun markDarwinSymbolStub name =
+           fun makeDarwinSymbolStubLabel name =
                  val hash = String.hash name
-                 val mungedName = "L_" ^ name ^ "_stub"
-                 val _ =
-                    HashSet.lookupOrInsert
-                    (set, hash,
-                     fn (hash', name', _) =>
-                        hash = hash' andalso name = name',
-                     fn () =>
-                        (hash, name, Label.newString mungedName))
-                 ()
+                 (#3 o HashSet.lookupOrInsert)
+                 (set, hash,
+                  fn (hash', name', _) =>
+                  hash = hash' andalso name = name',
+                  fn () =>
+                  (hash, name,
+                   Label.newString (concat ["L_", name, "_stub"])))
            fun makeDarwinSymbolStubs () =
@@ -1363,78 +1361,77 @@
                                  datatype z = datatype MLton.Platform.OS.t
                                  datatype z = datatype Control.Format.t
-                                 val name = 
+                                 val name =
                                     case convention of
                                        Cdecl => name
                                      | Stdcall => concat [name, "@", Int.toString size_args]
-                                 val label = Label.fromString name
+                                 val label = fn () => Label.fromString name
                                  (* how to access imported functions: *)
                                  (* Windows rewrites the symbol __imp__name *)
-                                 val coff = Label.fromString ("_imp__" ^ name)
-                                 val macho = Label.fromString ("L_" ^ name ^ "_stub")
-                                 val elf = Label.fromString (name ^ "@PLT")
-                                 val importLabel = 
+                                 val coff = fn () => Label.fromString ("_imp__" ^ name)
+                                 val macho = fn () => makeDarwinSymbolStubLabel name
+                                 val elf = fn () => Label.fromString (name ^ "@PLT")
+                                 val importLabel = fn () =>
                                     case !Control.Target.os of
-                                       Cygwin => coff
-                                     | Darwin => macho
-                                     | MinGW => coff
-                                     |  _ => elf
-                                 val direct =
+                                       Cygwin => coff ()
+                                     | Darwin => macho ()
+                                     | MinGW => coff ()
+                                     |  _ => elf ()
+                                 val direct = fn () =>
                                    [Assembly.directive_ccall (),
-                                    {target = Operand.label label,
+                                    {target = Operand.label (label ()),
                                      absolute = false}]
-                                 val plt =
+                                 val stub = fn () =>
                                    [Assembly.directive_ccall (),
-                                    {target = Operand.label importLabel,
+                                    {target = Operand.label (importLabel ()),
                                      absolute = false}]
-                                 val indirect =
+                                 val indirect = fn () =>
                                    [Assembly.directive_ccall (),
-                                    {target = Operand.memloc_label importLabel,
+                                    {target = Operand.memloc_label (importLabel ()),
                                      absolute = true}]
-                                case (symbolScope, 
-                                      !Control.Target.os, 
+                                case (symbolScope,
+                                      !Control.Target.os,
                                       !Control.format) of
                                    (* Private functions can be easily reached
                                     * with a direct (eip-relative) call.
-                                   (Private, _, _) => direct
+                                   (Private, _, _) => direct ()
                                    (* Even though it is not safe to take the
                                     * address of a public function, it is ok
                                     * to call it directly.
-                                 | (Public, _, _) => direct
+                                 | (Public, _, _) => direct ()
                                    (* Windows always does indirect calls to
                                     * imported functions. The importLabel has
                                     * the function address written to it.
-                                 | (External, MinGW, _) => indirect
-                                 | (External, Cygwin, _) => indirect
+                                 | (External, MinGW, _) => indirect ()
+                                 | (External, Cygwin, _) => indirect ()
                                    (* Darwin needs to generate special stubs
                                     * that are filled in by the dynamic linker.
-                                 | (External, Darwin, _) =>
-                                      (markDarwinSymbolStub name; plt)
+                                 | (External, Darwin, _) => stub ()
                                    (* ELF systems create procedure lookup
                                     * tables (PLT) which proxy the call to 
                                     * libraries. The PLT does not contain an
                                     * address, but instead a stub function.
-                                 | (External, _, Library) => plt
-                                 | _ => direct
+                                 | (External, _, Library) => stub ()
+                                 | _ => direct ()
                          | Indirect =>

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