[MLton-commit] r6818

Matthew Fluet fluet at mlton.org
Sat Aug 30 15:03:48 PDT 2008

Fix external symbol with x86-codegen on x86-darwin.

It is a bit difficult to cache the symbol stub label for an external
symbol label, because the x86MLton.prim function is called on each
primitive in the incoming Machine IL program.  On the other hand, it
suffices to emit a symbol stub label for each external symbol
label. Since a _symbol label is almost certainly globalized, there is
unlikely to be any opportunities for sharing.

Use thunk suspensions to avoid allocating labels that will not be

U   mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/x86-codegen/x86-mlton.fun


Modified: mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/x86-codegen/x86-mlton.fun
--- mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/x86-codegen/x86-mlton.fun	2008-08-30 22:03:45 UTC (rev 6817)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlton/codegen/x86-codegen/x86-mlton.fun	2008-08-30 22:03:48 UTC (rev 6818)
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
  * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
-type word = Word.t
 functor x86MLton (S: X86_MLTON_STRUCTS): X86_MLTON =
@@ -115,7 +113,7 @@
   fun prim {prim : RepType.t Prim.t,
             args : (Operand.t * Size.t) vector,
             dsts : (Operand.t * Size.t) vector,
-            transInfo = {...} : transInfo}
+            transInfo = {addData, ...} : transInfo}
     = let
         val primName = Prim.toString prim
         datatype z = datatype Prim.Name.t
@@ -706,32 +704,6 @@
             | W16 => sral i
             | W32 => sral i
             | W64 => Error.bug "x86MLton.prim: shift, W64"
-        val symbolPointerSet: (word * String.t * Label.t) HashSet.t =
-           HashSet.new {hash = #1}
-        fun markDarwinNonLazySymbolPointer name =
-           let
-              val hash = String.hash name
-              val mungedName = "L_" ^ name ^ "_non_lazy_ptr"
-              val _ =
-                 HashSet.lookupOrInsert
-                 (symbolPointerSet, hash,
-                  fn (hash', name', _) =>
-                     hash = hash' andalso name = name',
-                  fn () =>
-                     (hash, name, Label.newString mungedName))
-           in
-              ()
-           end
-        fun makeDarwinNonLazySymbolPointers () =
-           HashSet.fold
-           (symbolPointerSet, [],
-            fn ((_, name, label), assembly) =>
-              (Assembly.pseudoop_non_lazy_symbol_pointer ()) ::
-              (Assembly.label label) ::
-              (Assembly.pseudoop_indirect_symbol (Label.fromString name)) ::
-              (Assembly.pseudoop_long [Immediate.zero]) ::
-              assembly)
@@ -744,47 +716,60 @@
              | CPointer_sub => binal Instruction.SUB
              | CPointer_toWord => mov ()
              | FFI_Symbol {name, symbolScope, ...}
-             => let     
+             => let
                    datatype z = datatype CFunction.SymbolScope.t
                    datatype z = datatype Control.Format.t
                    datatype z = datatype MLton.Platform.OS.t
                    val (dst, dstsize) = getDst1 ()
-                   val label = Label.fromString name
+                   val label = fn () => Label.fromString name
                    (* how to access an imported label's address *)
                    (* windows coff will add another leading _ to label *)
-                   val coff = Label.fromString ("_imp__" ^ name)
-                   val macho = Label.fromString ("L_" ^ name ^ "_non_lazy_ptr")
-                   val elf = Label.fromString (name ^ "@GOT")
-                   val importLabel = 
+                   val coff = fn () => Label.fromString ("_imp__" ^ name)
+                   val macho = fn () =>
+                      let
+                         val label =
+                            Label.newString (concat ["L_", name, "_non_lazy_ptr"])
+                         val () =
+                            addData
+                            [Assembly.pseudoop_non_lazy_symbol_pointer (),
+                             Assembly.label label,
+                             Assembly.pseudoop_indirect_symbol (Label.fromString name),
+                             Assembly.pseudoop_long [Immediate.zero]]
+                      in
+                         label
+                      end
+                   val elf = fn () => Label.fromString (name ^ "@GOT")
+                   val importLabel = fn () =>
                       case !Control.Target.os of
-                         Cygwin => coff
-                       | Darwin => macho
-                       | MinGW => coff
-                       | _ => elf
+                         Cygwin => coff ()
+                       | Darwin => macho ()
+                       | MinGW => coff ()
+                       | _ => elf ()
                    (* It's direct, but still PIC if library code *)
-                   val direct = 
+                   val direct = fn () =>
                        {entry = NONE,
                         statements =
                          {dst = dst,
-                          src = Operand.memloc_label label,
+                          src = Operand.memloc_label (label ()),
                           size = dstsize}],
                         transfer = NONE}]
-                   val indirect = 
+                   val indirect = fn () =>
                        {entry = NONE,
                         statements =
                          {dst = dst,
-                          src = Operand.memloc_label importLabel,
+                          src = Operand.memloc_label (importLabel ()),
                           size = dstsize}],
                         transfer = NONE}]
@@ -795,16 +780,16 @@
                      * memloc_label is updated to %rbx relative in the
                      * allocate-registers pass.
-                      (Private, _, _) => direct
+                      (Private, _, _) => direct ()
                     (* Windows MUST access locally defined symbols directly. 
                      * An indirect access would lead to a linker error.
-                    | (Public, MinGW, _) => direct
-                    | (Public, Cygwin, _) => direct
+                    | (Public, MinGW, _) => direct ()
+                    | (Public, Cygwin, _) => direct ()
                     (* On darwin, even executables use the defintion address.
                      * Therefore we don't need to do indirection.
-                    | (Public, Darwin, _) => direct
+                    | (Public, Darwin, _) => direct ()
                     (* On ELF, a public symbol must be accessed via
                      * the GOT. This is because the final value may not be
                      * in this text segment. If the executable uses it, then
@@ -812,13 +797,11 @@
                      * text segment. The loader does this by creating a PLT
                      * proxy or copying values to the executable text segment.
-                    | (Public, _, Library) => indirect
+                    | (Public, _, Library) => indirect ()
                     (* On darwin, the address is the point of definition. So
                      * indirection is needed. We also need to make a stub!
-                    | (External, Darwin, _) =>
-                         (markDarwinNonLazySymbolPointer name
-                          ; indirect)
+                    | (External, Darwin, _) => indirect ()
                     (* When compiling to a library, we need to access external
                      * symbols via some address that is updated by the loader.
                      * That address resides within our data segment, and can
@@ -827,7 +810,7 @@
                      * Windows rewrites __imp__name symbols in our segment.
                      * ELF rewrite name at GOT.
-                    | (External, _, Library) => indirect
+                    | (External, _, Library) => indirect ()
                     (* When linking an executable, ELF uses a special trick 
                      * to "simplify" the code. All exported functions and
                      * symbols have pointers that correspond  to the 
@@ -841,9 +824,9 @@
                      * On windows, the address is the point of definition. So
                      * we must use an indirect lookup even in executables.
-                    | (External, MinGW, _) => indirect
-                    | (External, Cygwin, _) => indirect
-                    | _ => direct
+                    | (External, MinGW, _) => indirect ()
+                    | (External, Cygwin, _) => indirect ()
+                    | _ => direct ()
              | Real_Math_acos _
              => let

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