[MLton] survey

Henry Cejtin henry@sourcelight.com
Thu, 6 Jan 2005 12:01:19 -0600

Despite the fact that question 5 says that left means more beneficial, I would
put this on top of the radio buttons.  I.e., something like

        more                            less
      important                       important
          x       x       x       x       x		ports to new platforms
          x       x       x       x       x		read-eval-print loop
          x       x       x       x       x		separate compilation

With  regard  to  the  `improved  documentation',  I  wonder  if  it is worth
separating out the different types of documentation: MLton libraries to write
other  programs vs. MLton internals to hack the compiler (vs. MLton internals
to add some more FFI).