[MLton] The PackWord performance regression on the 64-bit branch
Vesa Karvonen
vesa.karvonen at cs.helsinki.fi
Thu Nov 23 16:42:46 PST 2006
I spent some time looking at / thinking about the PackWord performance
regression on the 64-bit branch. To be honest, I doubt that it is really
important (the PackWord operations probably aren't very critical).
However, as I took the time to look at the code...
Are the PackWord operations supposed to work on arbitrarily (mis)aligned
AFAICT, they are always being passed an SML array/vector, so the SML side
should be able to guarantee proper alignment. This means that the
operations could be much much faster. Basically, if the fetch/store
endianness is the same as the machine endianness, then just fetch/store
the data as a single operation of the correct size. Otherwise perform
little<->big endianness conversion before or after the operation (using
bitwise ops {<<, >>, andb, orb}). It is much faster to perform the
endianness conversion in registers than go through memory (which causes
stalls such as partial memory stalls
OTOH, is there some reason why the operations need to be implemented in C?
Isn't it possible to implement them on the SML side using MLton.Pointer?
AFAICT, implementing the operations on the SML side should, at most,
require some simple magic to convert an array/vector to an
Anyway, here is a bit of test code that I wrote:
structure P = MLton.Pointer
val aPtr = _address "dummy" : P.t ;
fun mk (wordSize, fromInt, <<, orb) (p, offs) = let
fun get p = fromInt (Word8.toInt (P.getWord8 (p, 0)))
(* ^^^^^^^^^^^ discussed below *)
fun fst p = (p, get p)
fun nxt (p, w) = let
val p = P.add (p, 0w1)
(p, orb (<< (w, 0w8), get p))
#2 ((case wordSize of
8 => fst
| 16 => nxt o fst
| 32 => nxt o nxt o nxt o fst
| 64 => nxt o nxt o nxt o nxt o nxt o nxt o nxt o fst
| _ => raise Fail "impossible")
(P.add (p, Word.fromInt offs * Word.fromInt (wordSize div 8))))
val getWord8Little = mk let open Word8 in (wordSize, fromInt, <<, orb) end
val getWord16Little = mk let open Word16 in (wordSize, fromInt, <<, orb) end
val getWord32Little = mk let open Word32 in (wordSize, fromInt, <<, orb) end
val getWord64Little = mk let open Word64 in (wordSize, fromInt, <<, orb) end
val offset = valOf (Int.fromString (hd (CommandLine.arguments ())))
val () = print (Word32.toString (getWord32Little (aPtr, offset))^"\n")
On the trunk MLton, the getWord32Little part of above is compiled to
sall $2,%esi
addl (globalWord32+((3*4)+(0*1))),%esi
movl %esi,%edi
movzbl (0+((0x0*1)+(0*1)))(%esi),%edx
incl %edi
shll $0x8,%edx
movl %edi,%esi
movzbl (0+((0x0*1)+(0*1)))(%edi),%ecx
orl %edx,%ecx
incl %esi
shll $0x8,%ecx
movl %esi,%edi
movzbl (0+((0x0*1)+(0*1)))(%esi),%edx
orl %edx,%ecx
incl %edi
shll $0x8,%ecx
movzbl (0+((0x0*1)+(0*1)))(%edi),%esi
orl %ecx,%esi
movl %esi,(0+((60*1)+(0*1)))(%ebp)
movl $0x1,(0+((56*1)+(0*1)))(%ebp)
addl $56,%ebp
movl $L_880,(0+(-1*4))(%ebp)
which is not too bad. The above is much faster than what gcc generates
from the current C code on the 64-bit branch:
pushl %ebx
movl $1, %edx
subl $16, %esp
movl 28(%esp), %ecx
leal 12(%esp), %ebx
movl 24(%esp), %eax
addl %eax, %ecx
.p2align 1
movzbl -1(%edx,%ecx), %eax
movb %al, -1(%edx,%ebx)
incl %edx
cmpl $5, %edx
jne .L33
movl 12(%esp), %eax
addl $16, %esp
popl %ebx
On the 64-bit branch MLton, the generated machine code (from the previous
SML code) is
sall $2,%esi
addl (globalWord32+((3*4)+(0*1))),%esi
movzbl (0+((0x0*1)+(0*1)))(%esi),%edi
cmpl $0x0,%edi
jl L_1255
incl %esi
shll $0x8,%edi
movzbl (0+((0x0*1)+(0*1)))(%esi),%edx
cmpl $0x0,%edx
jl L_1254
orl %edi,%edx
incl %esi
shll $0x8,%edx
movzbl (0+((0x0*1)+(0*1)))(%esi),%edi
cmpl $0x0,%edi
jl L_1253
orl %edi,%edx
incl %esi
shll $0x8,%edx
movzbl (0+((0x0*1)+(0*1)))(%esi),%edi
cmpl $0x0,%edi
jl L_1252
orl %edx,%edi
movl %edi,(0+((64*1)+(0*1)))(%ebp)
movl $0x1,(0+((60*1)+(0*1)))(%ebp)
addl $60,%ebp
movl $L_837,(0+(-1*4))(%ebp)
and it looks like a bug in the optimizer. Interestingly, if I use
Word8.toIntX (which is incorrect, of course), the 64-bit branch MLton does
the right thing:
sall $2,%esi
addl (globalWord32+((3*4)+(0*1))),%esi
movl %esi,%edi
movsbl (0+((0x0*1)+(0*1)))(%esi),%edx
incl %edi
shll $0x8,%edx
movl %edi,%esi
movsbl (0+((0x0*1)+(0*1)))(%edi),%ecx
orl %ecx,%edx
incl %esi
shll $0x8,%edx
movl %esi,%edi
movsbl (0+((0x0*1)+(0*1)))(%esi),%ecx
orl %edx,%ecx
incl %edi
shll $0x8,%ecx
movsbl (0+((0x0*1)+(0*1)))(%edi),%esi
orl %esi,%ecx
movl %ecx,(0+((64*1)+(0*1)))(%ebp)
movl $0x1,(0+((60*1)+(0*1)))(%ebp)
addl $60,%ebp
movl $L_833,(0+(-1*4))(%ebp)
However, the above kind of byte-by-byte fetching is only necessary if the
alignment of the pointer can be arbitrary. If proper alignment is
guaranteed then it is much faster to just perform endianness swapping (if
machine endianness <> operation endianness) after a single fetch of the
result size. Here is a draft of how to implement endianness swapping:
fun mk (wordSize, `, <<, >>, andb, xorb, op -) w = let
fun st (w, msk, sft) = let
val odd = andb (w, msk)
val evn = xorb (w, odd)
(xorb (<< (odd, sft), >> (evn, sft)),
xorb (msk, << (msk, Word.>> (sft, 0w1))),
Word.>> (sft, 0w1))
#1 ((case wordSize of
8 => (fn x => x)
| 16 => st
| 32 => st o st
| 64 => st o st o st
| _ => raise Fail "impossible")
<< (`1, Word.fromInt (wordSize div 2)) - `1,
Word.fromInt (wordSize div 2)))
val swapWord8 = mk let open Word8 in (wordSize, fromInt, <<, >>, andb, xorb, op -) end
val swapWord16 = mk let open Word16 in (wordSize, fromInt, <<, >>, andb, xorb, op -) end
val swapWord32 = mk let open Word32 in (wordSize, fromInt, <<, >>, andb, xorb, op -) end
val swapWord64 = mk let open Word64 in (wordSize, fromInt, <<, >>, andb, xorb, op -) end
Here is what is generated with the trunk MLton for swapWord32:
movl %edx,%esi
andl $0xFFFF,%esi
movl %esi,%edi
xorl %edx,%edi
shll $0x10,%esi
shrl $0x10,%edi
xorl %edi,%esi
movl %esi,%edi
andl $0xFF00FF,%edi
xorl %edi,%esi
shll $0x8,%edi
shrl $0x8,%esi
xorl %edi,%esi
-Vesa Karvonen
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