[MLton] Testing with SML/NJ
Matthew Fluet
Wed, 5 Apr 2006 15:24:18 -0400 (EDT)
> Is there anyway to run MLton using SML/NJ? I have looked through the makefiles
> for a way of doing this, and also tried using CM.make with the sources.cm (and
> mlton.cm). I have been using "make all-no-docs" to compile with MLton, but the
> this takes so long to compile that it makes it hard to use for testing.
You want "make nj-mlton". This will dump a mlton.x86-linux SML/NJ heap
file in the build/lib directory and the build/bin/mlton script will invoke
SML/NJ with the heap if the heap is newer than a build/lib/mlton-compile
You'll want to avoid bootstrapping with the SML/NJ built MLton, as that
will be very slow.
> I have finished hacking a CPS transform onto MLton, but now I need to be able to
> test it to make sure it works correctly. Waiting 4 hours between builds seems
> like a somewhat silly way of doing things, so I figured I would ask people with
> more experience working with MLton.
4 hours is quite a long time. You should look for a machine with more
RAM. Most of my self-compiles complete in about 20min on a machine with